Page 74 of Claimed Darker

Chapter 24



Spring is near, and the weather today is sunny and cloudless. Bridget and I sit at Ludwig’s Fountain in Sproul Plaza with bowls of ramen we picked up at a little place off Bancroft Avenue.

“This is one of the best people-watching places,” she says.

I watch a man wearing a cardboard sign foretelling the second coming of Jesus and yelling at the sky, walk past a couple in full Goth from head to toe. Outside Sather Gate, a man plays the saxophone near another man selling newsletters to support the homeless.

“So you decide on the sounding?” I ask.

She squirms. “That’s what you came here for? To ask me that?”

“And to have lunch.”

“I don’t know if I’m that adventurous.” She leans toward me and lowers her voice. “Going anal was a big enough step.”

I pretend to be hard of hearing. “What was that?”

She smacks my arm.

“You’re more adventurous than you think,” I tell her.

“You said JD used to do what you do.”

“What are you referring to? BDSM?”

“Shh!” She makes a face at me.

“Is that what you’re referring to?”


“Yeah, he gave it a try.”

“So he doesn’t do it anymore?”

“Not really. I don’t think. I don’t keep close tabs on his sex life. Why do you ask?”

“Just curious. I can’t imagine Amy getting into it. I thought, if he was into it, maybe that’s why he doesn’t seem as interested in her anymore.”

I don’t respond right away. Now I know why she’s “just curious.”

“He isn’t as interested, is he?” she prods.

“We haven’t talked about it. Relationships aren’t really talking points for guys.”

“So JD doesn’t mention Amy to you?”

I can see myself getting into trouble here. A young man handing out flyers gives me one. Usually I don’t take shit like that, but I’m glad for the distraction.

“It’s for you,” I tell Bridget, handing her the flyer.

She looks over the information about a rally on climate change.

“I might go,” she says. “So does he?”