Page 73 of Claimed Darker

I end up coming before Darren. He throws me on my back, puts my legs over his shoulders and drives deep to reach his climax. Afterward, we shower and make French Toast together using the challah a staff member in the club’s kitchen had procured for us. Darren suggests again that I can work over at his place, but as tempting as it is to accept his offer, I decline. I can’t imagine being efficient near Darren when a simple look from him can get me turned on.

Even his texts, which are now daily, are distracting. Once, while walking to class, he asked if I would be up for sounding the next time. I was so flustered, I walked right into a glass door because I failed to open it first.

“You guys are like a serious couple,” Amy says as she observes me having a conversation with Darren via text one evening. “You think he might ask you to move in with him?”

“That wouldn’t be practical,” I answer.

“A lot students commute to campus.”

“But then we wouldn’t be roommates.”

“I’d miss you, but, honestly, if I were in your shoes and Darren asked me to move in with him, I’d be there in a heartbeat.”

“Thanks,” I respond with mock hurt.

“I wish JD would ask me to move in with him. His house is amazing. It’d be worth the inconvenience. But I get the feeling he likes having a bachelor pad.” She sighs wistfully. “I thought he was going to have me spend the weekend with him, but he said he had a lot to get done.”

She sighs again.

“Hey, you wanna go shopping?” I ask. It’s usually not an activity I suggest because I don’t have much money to spend, and I don’t get much out of window shopping, but I know Amy likes to.

“I guess. I haven’t been to Nordstrom in a while.”

Shopping works as a temporary distraction for Amy, but she’s back to moping when several days pass and she still hasn’t heard from JD. I resolve to get to the bottom of this.