Page 65 of Claimed Darker

Suspecting that Amy might keep asking until I give her something juicier, I tell her, “Sometimes he does this edging thing, which is usually aggravating but it does seem to intensify the orgasms most of the time.”

“Hunh. I wonder if JD and I should give it a try.”

“I’m gonna see if I can borrow some leggings from Simone,” I say, ready to move on to a different subject.

Simone has a pair of cheetah-print leggings. Last time I was at Darren’s place, he told me he was buying me something decent to show up to his club in. I balked because he’d already spent money buying me outfits for Phuket.

“My club, my rules,” Darren replied.

Maybe I’m bringing down the reputation of his club, or maybe he’s tired of seeing me in the same clothes all the time. I told him to give me some time to see if I can get clothes for myself. There are a number of thrift stores I could get lucky at. The one thing I did let Darren buy is underwear. I don’t like going commando every time, especially if I’m borrowing Simone’s clothes.

“Oh, I like those leggings,” Amy says when I return. “You’re not going to wear your fake Uggs, are you?”

“I don’t like heels, and I’m not going to wear my running shoes,” I reply. “I’ll go thrifting this weekend to see if I find something a little more stylish.”

Amy shakes her head. “I don’t know how you do it.”

“Do what?”

“Stand next to Darren, who’s always incredibly dressed, and not feel, well, you know.”

“Like a complete embarrassment?”

“I mean, I guess it’s cool that you don’t.”

“It’s not that I don’t feel self-conscious. I do. There’s just not much I can do about it.”

Amy gets off her bed. “I have some gold hoop earrings that’ll go great with those leggings.”

I accept her earrings. When I’m done dressing—after putting on the sheer lace panties that Darren bought me, Simone’s leggings, Amy’s earrings and a black cardigan that Kat no longer wanted—I barely have anything on that’s mine except for a camisole and boots.

Amy looks gorgeous in a dress with mesh cutouts. Her sleek black hair is pulled up into a long ponytail, and she has on a dramatic shade of pink eye shadow.

I had texted Darren earlier to make sure Amy can come with us when he picks me up. With Amy in tow, he’s less likely to make me put Ben Wa balls or a vibrating egg inside me. Although I can never be a hundred percent sure with Darren.

Tonight is the night he expects to penetrate my rear entrance, which anatomically is supposed to be an exit. He had thought to do it last weekend but decided to do more training with the butt plug first. I’m somewhat excited but nervous, too. His cock is thicker and longer than the butt plug.

Darren picks us up, and he and I hang out with Amy and JD for a little bit in our usual spot at the club. When Amy and JD decide to hit the dance floor, Darren takes my hand. I know exactly where we’re headed. On the way to our room, we pass by a Domme with two women on their hands and knees before her. She alternates between the two, penetrating one, then the other with her strap-on dildo. We also pass by an older, heavy set man with a fluffy beard whipping a scrawny young blond.

“Nice outfit,” Darren says when we enter our room.

“I borrowed clothes from Simone again,” I tell him.

He shakes his head.

“And I’m wearing the underwear you got me,” I add. “Or, what Cheryl got me, I should say. I still can’t believe you made her buy clothes for another woman.”

“If it had been me, my choices would have been a lot different,” he says with an evil gleam.

I reconsider. “I’m glad you had Cheryl do it.”

“Let’s see the underwear.”

I kick off my boots and peel off the leggings. He rakes his gaze over me, lingering around my crotch. Standing in front of me, he fingers the panty line. “You’re doing good keeping it nice and tidy.”

I had told him it felt weird being completely bald down there. He said he’d allow some of the hair to grow back but that I needed to keep things trimmed.

He starts to unbutton my cardigan.