Page 58 of Claimed Darker

“Crab then.”

With four cords of rope in hand, I walk back to the bed. I set one down next to the zapper. With one cord, I tie her left wrist to her left ankle. Then I tie her elbow to her knee and do the same with her right limbs. I spread her legs apart so that she looks more like a crab.

The sadist in me remembers the cabinet also has blindfolds. Going back, I take out a satin sash, which I wrap around her eyes several times. Her breath becomes uneven, and I can sense her anxiety.

Before picking up the zapper, I adjust my crotch. She looks great in crab tie, and I have a nice view right into her crotch. Her pretty little pussy lips are glistening with wetness. I can see some of my cum oozing from her.

“Here we go,” I say.

I survey where I want the zapper to land. There are so many delicious options. I could choose her nipple or her cunt, but I don’t want to start out too vicious. The more time I take, the more nervous she seems to get. I choose the inner thigh.

“Ahh!” she cries out, her limbs flailing, though constrained by the ropes.

I zap her other thigh. She tries to scramble away but the crab tie is too awkward to move in.

“Oh my God!” she exclaims.

“Just four more to go.”

She starts to pant.

“Breathe,” I remind her.

She lengthens her breaths while I circle the zapper over the different parts I can target. I zap the side of a breast.

With a cry, she lands on her other side, away from the zapper.

“Get back into position,” I tell her.

She struggles at first but rights herself after engaging her stomach muscles to sit up. I touch the zapper to her belly. With another yelp, she falls onto her back.

“Geez!” she cries.

“Just think about the orgasm you’ll get. You only have two more.”

She whimpers.

“Roll onto your knees,” I tell her.

In doing so, she presents me with a perfect view of her ass and her nice pussy lips below. I caress a buttock.

“Please be quick,” she says. “I want to get these last two over with.”

“Then it wouldn’t be as much fun,” I reply.

Turning off the zapper, I touch it to the back of her thigh. She screams, then realizes there was no electricity.

“You’re such a…” she grunts.

“What? What did you want to call me, Bridge?”

“Nothing, sir.”


Turning the zapper back on, I target her ass. Her body jumps.

“What were you going to say?” I ask.