Page 54 of Claimed Darker

And? But there’s no and.

“You still got the vibrator against your pussy?” he asks instead.


“Put it back.”

I do as he says.

After several minutes, he asks, “On a scale of one to ten, how badly do you want to come right now?”

“Seven. At least. I haven’t come once since I left your place several days ago.”

“Not once?”

“Not once.”

“You’ve done good then.”

I can feel the peak nearing again. “Don’t good girls get rewarded?”

“They do.”

“So can I come?”

“First, turn off the vibrator.”

Aargh! Sometimes I wonder why I’m with the guy.

But I know perfectly well that, as aggravating as he can be, there’s no one else I’d rather be with right now.

“It’s still on, Bridge.”

With an angry pout, I turn it off. Damn you, Darren Lee.

I lay there in silence for several beats. My body quivers with need. I am so tempted to hang up on him and turn the vibrator back on.

He waits a few more minutes before saying, “You can turn it back on.”


Happily, I turn it on and press the vibrator harder against me. It hums merrily along. He’s going to let me come this time, right? It wouldn’t take long. He just has to give the go-ahead and—

“Cheryl just told me the guy I’m expecting is here,” he says. “I’ll send my guy over now. Be ready in thirty minutes.”

The call ends. I’m left holding a vibrator, aghast and in dismay. I deserve to come after all that. I should just do it. Keep the vibrating going. It feels so good. So good…

But he’s going to ask, and I’m not very good at lying. Then he’ll conjure up some sort of punishment that might be worse than one of the hard limits he’s asking me to give up.

Reluctantly I turn off the vibrator. I go through a list of names I could call him. But that’s not very mature. My body feels like it’s whining, Where’s my climax, where’s my climax?

While getting ready and on the drive over to the city, my arousal continues to simmer. I hope, hope, hope that he’ll let me come soon.

When I arrive at The Lotus, Darren escorts me straight to our room in the club. He looks super-hot in his charcoal button-up shirt and black pants. As soon as he closes the door behind us, he pins me against the wall and sears the side of my neck with his lips. If he wasn’t holding me in place, I would have jumped all over him. I am horny as heck, given the edging.

“I want you inside of me so bad,” I murmur. I miss his kisses even more than I thought I would. I need to press myself against him. There’s so much tension inside me, waiting to burst.

He lifts his head and his eyes shine into mine. His lips curl in a half-grin. “Yeah?”