Page 38 of Claimed Darker

“Evening, Mr. Lee,” says one of the security guards, stepping aside so I don’t have to go through the metal detector.

I press the button that changes the vibration patterns. Bridget’s legs wobble, and the bouncer standing by the interior set of doors holds out a hand to steady her.

“You all right, miss?” he asks.

“Yes,” she says weakly.

I take her by the elbow and lead her to a dining table. “I need to take care of something in the office. You can sit here. Or you can talk to your buddy Felipe.”

She brightens at seeing Felipe at the bar. I increase the vibrations.

Her eyes widen. “I’m fine here. You going to be long?”

“Shouldn’t be.”

Leaving her, I meet Cheryl and Old Dog in my office. Despite his nickname, Old Dog is actually only in his early forties, but he started out as a hired hitman when he was seventeen, so it seems like a long time. Rumors circulate about how many hits he’s had in his lifetime. Some say nearly a hundred.

“Darren,” Old Dog greets me with a broad smile. “The club is looking good. Lots of pretty women here.”

“If you’re looking for company, Cheryl can make introductions.”

“I just need what Tommy left me.”

As I punch in my code to turn on the facial scan to the safe, Old Dog continues, “I heard you might be following in your father’s footsteps. He was a good man. I did two jobs for him long ago. If you ever need my services, I’ll give you the rate I would have given your father.”

“Appreciate the offer,” I reply as I take out the suitcase. “You can check the contents on the desk there.”

Old Dog sets the suitcase down and opens it to reveal a large hunk of jade.

“That’s an amazing shade of green,” Cheryl admires.

“From Myanmar,” Old Dog says.

“What are you going to do with it?”

“Haven’t decided yet.”

He closes the suitcase. Turning to me, he says, “If you need anything, don’t hesitate.”

If I decline Hao Young’s offer, I doubt I’ll need Old Dog’s services, but I thank him anyway.

Once he’s gone, I tell Cheryl that I’m going to be with Bridget the rest of the night so she knows only to bother me on urgent matters.

“Before you go, what do you want me to do with JD?” she asks. “He’s completely stoned.”

“Keep an eye on him. And have some food around. Pot makes him hungry.”

Leaving the office, I walk right into Manny.

“You talk to your cousin yet?” he inquires.

“Yeah, he wasn’t too keen on the idea.”

“Why? It couldn’t hurt to have me help him out.”

“JD’s a loner when it comes to business.”

Manny pouts. “That’s ’cause he wants all the glory for himself. He always was a selfish fuck.”