Page 33 of Claimed Darker

Chapter 12



It’s hard to say no to Darren. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I am a sex fiend. Part of me thinks I should spend a little more time away from him, just to get my bearings. But my first night at the other side of his club has me curious and even eager to experience more, though I’m a little afraid.

“It’s so hard to be back,” Amy laments as she unpacks her suitcase.

“I know,” I commiserate from where I sit on my bed with a textbook on my lap. “Phuket was so beautiful. I don’t think I’ll ever have an experience like that again. What did you and JD do after Darren and I left?”

“Well, I wanted to do some more shopping. We hung out at the pool a lot.”

“Were there a lot of wedding guests still there?”

“About a third. His creepy aunt was among them—the one who hit on Darren.”

“I remember her.”

JD’s aunt wasn’t the only woman hitting on Darren, I recall.

“I used to think that rich people being snotty was a stereotype,” Amy sighs. “But it turns out the stereotype is true.”

“Well, we didn’t get to know everyone there. I don’t think our sample size was large enough for us to draw any statistically significant conclusions.”

“That is such a nerdy thing to say,” Amy laughs.

“I liked Darren’s mom.”

“JD’s family was nice to me. I want them to like me a lot because it would be so amazing if JD and I were to get married someday.”

Remembering the feedback I got from Felipe, I say, “You really dig him that much?”

“Hell yeah. What’s not to dig about JD? He’s super cute, he’s fun, he’s successful, he has great taste in everything.”

“And you think he’s the marrying type?”

“Why not?”

“He strikes me as the kind of guy who likes to have fun.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Guys who like to have a lot of fun might think a relationship is boring.”

“Well, I like to have fun, too, so we’ll have fun together.”

I chew on the top of my pen. “Does he ever talk about his past girlfriends.”

“No. Why would he?”

“Just curious.”

“I don’t want to know what other bitches he might have slept with. Besides, he wouldn’t have taken me to his sister’s wedding all the way in Thailand if he didn’t have feelings for me.”

“I don’t know if guys think about the significance of stuff like that, being that they don’t think a lot, period,” I joke.

“I got to meet his family. Guys don’t like having women meet their families unless it’s serious.”