Page 31 of Claimed Darker

“Who was Ava?”

“That Filipina chick from Indiana. She wanted to be an actress.”

The name still doesn’t ring a bell. I can’t keep track of the different women JD has slept with.

“What did your mom think about Bridget?” JD asks. “Good thing you had Cheryl dress her up so she at least looked presentable.”

“My mom liked her better than she liked Kimberly.”

“Yeah? Your mom’s not easy to please. If my son brought home pussy like Kimberly, I’d be happy for him.”

“My mom didn’t like it when I brought you over.”

JD shakes his head. “As a kid, I was scared to come over to your house, man. Your mom gave me these looks like she thought I was plotting to kill you.”

“You tried so fucking hard to impress her,” I recall, “always saying ‘yes, Auntie Lee,’ ‘thank you, Auntie Lee.’ You even offered to bus your own dinner plates.”

“Shit, I almost wet my pants when I dropped and broke one of them, too!”

One of the servers returns with the humidor. I wait until the marijuana has relaxed JD before bringing up Manny.

“You know about Manny’s projects with the PSB,” I begin.

JD rests his head against the back of his sofa. “What about it?”

“He says it’s going well but there’s not enough women to meet demand. Hao Young told him you might be able to help him out, maybe even let him help you out with your new stuff.”

“No fucking way. Anybody but Manny Wu.”

“Why not Manny?”

“He’s a fat, dumb wannabe.”

“He’s eager. He’d do whatever you asked him to do.”

“Don’t care. I’ve got challenges enough without having to drag along his loser ass.”

“What about the women to work his massage parlors? You think you could point him in the right direction?”

JD gives me a glazed look. “Why the fuck should I help Manny? What has he ever done for me?”

“Come on. Just throw him a bone.”

“Ugh. I give him one thing, he’s gonna come back for more.”

I decide to table the topic. Maybe JD will be in a more receptive mood after he’s been able to bone someone.

A prospect comes up the stairs, but it turns out to be Kimberly Park. She wears a tight halter that’s more a second skin than a dress. As with most her outfits, it’s cut low to show off the cleavage she’s so proud of.

“How was the wedding?” she asks.

“Seen one wedding, you seen them all,” JD answers. “Just vary the setting, vows and shit like flowers. You want a hit?”

“Where’s Eric?” I ask.

Sitting down next to JD, Kimberly takes the cigar from him. “In Russia. Talking to investors or something like that.”

“You didn’t go with him?” JD asks.