Page 140 of Claimed Darker

Darren sent me a text by mistake, intending it for this Mei Ling?

I can’t believe it. I don’t want to believe it. But I can’t ignore the fact that something felt off about Darren. I thought he was different from JD…

Maybe there’s a different interpretation to the text?

Oh, who am I kidding? Did I really think that Darren and I could make our relationship meaningful and last?

Yes, yes I did. I guess I’m a romantic in that way.

On the train ride back to Berkeley, I feel a hodgepodge of emotions: anger, hurt, confusion, and misery. Part of me wants to confront Darren right now, but I have to hurry if I’m going to make it to work on time.

When I get to the apartment, a lot of the residents are standing outside. A few of them are still in their pajamas. There are two police cars and an ambulance parked in front. Spectators are also hanging out. I spot Kat sitting on the sidewalk, crying.

“Kat! What’s going on?” I ask as I squat down beside her.

She looks up at me with tears running down her face, then throws her arms around me. She’s trembling. “It’s awful, Bridget, awful!”

“What is?”

She releases me but starts crying harder. I try not to pressure her, but the pit in my stomach is growing by the second. I need to know what happened. I don’t see Simone or Amy and try to remember if they have a morning final.

“Where are Simone and Amy?” I ask.

That only prompts Kat to sob even more. Not a good sign. I’m feeling beside myself but somehow manage to contain my panic while I rub Kat’s back.

I ask again, “Simone and Amy?”

“Th-The EMTs took them away,” Kat replies through chattering teeth.

My mind races to try to make sense of what I’m seeing and hearing while fear grips my insides.

“What happened?” I manage.

“I c-came back this morning,” Kat continues. “I f-found them. Simone was on the floor. She wasn’t moving. There was vomit… I called for Amy. She didn’t respond. Her d-door was closed. She didn’t move either. Bridget, I think Amy’s dead!”