Page 131 of Claimed Darker

“Is she here tonight?”

“She will be,” I answer.

“He’s no fun anymore,” Olga pouts.

“I’m still fun,” JD offers with a big grin.

One of my staff members comes to tell me that Bridget and Amy have arrived.

“Amy?” I echo. I look over to JD.

“I’ll explain later,” he says.

I turn to the women. “All right, ladies. Why don’t you move along?”

“See?” Olga says to Tatiana. “No fun.”

Tatiana purses her lips. “That is sad. So sad. Not even hug and kiss from Darren? I am old friend, no?”

I get up. “Hug and kiss, and then goodbye.”

Tatiana wraps her arms around me, and just when I’m about to plant a kiss on her cheek, she turns her head and our mouths connect instead. She presses my head down while pushing her lips against mine.

“I want hug and kiss, also,” Olga says.

“Do I have to get in a line?”

Looking up, I see Bridget standing at the top of the stairs. I disentangle Tatiana’s arms from me.

Tatiana raises her brows. “Is she the girlfriend?”

“Go,” I tell her.

Olga knows not to disobey me and struts away without even acknowledging Bridget and Amy. Tatiana follows, murmuring something in Russian to Olga.

“Ex-girlfriend of yours?” Bridget asks.

She wears a half-decent sheath. The dark gray is not her color. But her lack of fashion sense no longer bothers me. She looks good to me no matter what she wears.

“No,” I reply. “Tatiana’s just friendly.”

“Like your ex, Kimberly.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“How often are you sexually assaulted by women?”

“That wasn’t sexual assault,” I blow off as Amy snuggles happily next to JD.

“Oh, so that was consensual lip-locking?”

“No,” I grumble. “Fine, if you want to see it as sexual assault, then it’s sexual assault.”

She knits her brows.

“What?” I ask.

“I just wonder, given how often it happens, if maybe you’re giving off vibes that invite that kind of behavior?”