Page 111 of Claimed Darker

“Don’t know if JD is coming tonight,” he replies.

“Amy might want to come to the club anyway.”

There’s a brief pause before he answers, “Sure.”

I reach for my phone, but then remember it’s not there. Although Darren is okay with me having a cellphone when I’m at his place, standing policy at the club is no phones allowed inside—JD, Darren, Cheryl and Marshall being the exception. I dial Amy using Darren’s phone and let her know she can come.

“Is JD there?” she asks.

“No, not sure if he will be.”

“I’ll join you anyway. It’s boring over here.”

I know that it’s not so much boredom as it is the hope of getting to see JD. I hope JD doesn’t walk into the club with another woman on his arm.

Though maybe it’s better Amy finds out sooner rather than later, if he’s that kind of guy.

After I’m done with my call, Darren takes the phone and walks to the railing, where he starts texting.

“Darren! I couldn’t believe it when I heard it!”

I turn around to see Kimberly, wearing a skintight dress that shows off her huge cleavage. She walks up to Darren and throws her arms around him.

“I thought you were going to die,” she says.

She pulls back, stares at him, then smushes her lips to his. He tries to disengage himself, but she continues to plant kisses over his face.

“Thank God you’re alive!”

With his good arm, he peels half of her off him. “Why did you think I was dying?”


“And you believe what comes out of his mouth?”

It dawns on her that Ronald is not someone she should take at his word. She tries to embrace Darren again, but this time he’s rougher in his hold.

“Kimberly, stop it,” he tells her.

“I’m just happy to see that you’re okay,” she whines.

He looks in my direction. Kimberly follows his gaze and immediately her bright smile turns upside down. I wave hello.

“I take it Eric’s not here?” Darren asks.

“He had to go back to Florida for some meetings. He said I could fly back with him, but I have a photo shoot here in a week.”

It doesn’t seem like Kimberly, who continues to stand close to Darren, is going to leave anytime soon.

I don’t want to get into a spat with Darren’s ex, so I say, “I’m going to go say hi to Felipe.”

Darren gives me a where-do-you-think-you’re-going look, but I pretend I don’t see it and go merrily on my way.

Downstairs at the bar, Felipe leans over and gives me a big, long hug.

“Don’t scare me like that again,” he admonishes.

“How are you holding up?” I ask him as I sit at a stool.