Page 76 of Claimed Darker

Bridget blushes, then frowns at me. “You want to speak up a little?”

I raise my voice. “I said if you want to get f—”

She hops to her feet. “Okay, I’m done with lunch.”

“Sit down,” I command.

She considers resisting but takes her seat and crosses her arms in front of her. “You’d be okay with me getting it on with other guys?”

Surprisingly not. I’d fucking hate it. Though I would get turned on seeing her get off on multiple cocks.

“If it made you happy,” I reply.

She thaws again and seems touched. “Seriously?”

I picture another man taking Bridget from behind. I imagine her face contorted in pleasure. I might let it happen.

Then I’d have the guy killed.

“Maybe not,” I say.

“I didn’t think you were the jealous type.”

Me neither.

“I guess I’m not the sharing type,” I say, though it’s not true. I’ve shared women before. It just happens to be true at the moment. I stare at her seriously. “Right now, you’re mine, Bridget. Your lips: mine. Your pussy: mine. Your ass: definitely mine.”

Her anger returns. “I’m not an object you get to possess.”

“Does that mean branding is a hard limit?”

She shakes her head and checks the time on her phone. “I’ve got to get to class. But we’re not done addressing your caveman thinking.”

I watch her separate her chopsticks, disposable bowl and napkins into the compost or recycle bins, then pick up her backpack.

“Thanks for the lunch,” she says.

She’s still miffed at me.

I stand up. “Come here.”

She looks at me wearily and doesn’t move. So I grab her, crush her to me and kiss her long and hard. And long. And hard.

By the time I release her, she’s breathless and her eyes are glassy.

That’s how I know you’re mine, my gaze tells her.

She’s blushing red as a tomato. The guy with the Jesus sign stares at us.

“Have fun in class,” I tell her as I pick up my trash.

The kiss discombobulated her, and she doesn’t know how to respond.

“I’ll, um…” she begins. “We’ll…talk later.”

I release a breath of relief when she’s gone. I dodged a potential interrogation about JD, but Bridget’s not a simpleton. She’s after information, and she’s not going to give up so easily.

* * *