Page 62 of Claimed Darker

“I can find a partner for you,” I tell her.

“Are you an available partner?”

“I’m just here to watch.”

“That’s not as much fun.”

“You’re right. But I’m still just here to watch.”

“Too bad,” she pouts.

To my surprise, I’m not mentally smacking myself for turning down this opportunity when my desire is definitely surging after texting Bridget.

“What kind of Dom do you like?” I ask the redhead. “I’ll find you someone good.”

She describes what she likes: a Dom or Domme who will leave marks but does a lot of cuddling in the aftercare. On my phone, I look over the list of who’s checked in today. After hooking her up with Mistress Julia, I make my way back to the other side of the club. I’m going to jack off in the solitude of my residence.

But my ardor encounters an unexpected damper in the form of Eric Drumm. Not much older than JD or myself, Eric is fairly good-looking and charming, but I never really took to him.

JD, standing beside Eric, says to me, “Look who’s back! Let’s go upstairs and talk.”

It’s not what I want to be doing with my time, but I join them on my balcony.

“So, how was Russia?” JD asks as he pours three shots of baijiu. “How are the women there?”

“The women are gorgeous,” Eric replies.

“Yeah? So worth going to Russia?”

“For the women, sure. The country sucks. Felt like I was freezing my balls off half the time.”

Kimberly would’ve loved it there, I think to myself wryly. Unlike Bridget, who would probably be bundled in a huge coat made from blankets, Kimberly would have been dressed much less practically and shivering her ass off as a result.

“But it was worth it,” Eric continues. “The Russians love our resort and golf course, and they want in. This guy, Sergei Antonov—he’s one of Russia’s richest—he loves it so much he says he would bankroll the whole thing himself. I’m telling you, you guys should get in when you can.”

“If you have this Sergei Antonov, why do you need us?” I ask.

“Because I came to you guys first, and I want to respect that. I didn’t want to yank the opportunity from you guys. That’s the kind of businessman I am.”

How fucking nice of you. I try not to roll my eyes.

“I already told you I’m in,” JD answers.

They look to me.

“I got a lot on my plate,” I answer. “I’m gonna pass.”

Eric frowns. Given his reaction, I suspect his Russian angel isn’t as solid as he wants us to believe.

“You sure about that?” he asks. “’Cause once we fill up our investor slots, there won’t be a chance to come aboard. It’s now or never before the ship sails.”

“My travel itinerary is full anyway.”

“Yeah? What you got?”

“It’s still in the works, so it’s too early to discuss. But congratulations on your Russian investor.”

I raise my shot glass. Eric raises his, and we all down our baijiu.