Page 100 of Claimed Darker

Darren pops the Motrin and finishes the water in one gulp. He wipes his lips with the back of his hand. “What do you consider a lot? Two glasses?”

“How often does he get wasted?”

“Not that often. He’ll get close a lot, but he doesn’t like hangovers any more than I do. I’ve only seen him wasted on special occasions.”

“Was yesterday a special occasion for you?” I venture as I dig into the breakfast.

His face darkens. “Just felt like it,” he replies.

“How’d your meeting with Sergeant Trawley go?”


“Any new developments?”


I get the feeling I’m only going to get one-word answers. Maybe it’s because of the hangover.

“Where’d you go for drinks?” I ask.

“Just downstairs. Don’t have to worry about driving anywhere afterward.”

“That’s a definite advantage of owning a bar and living above it, in addition to having more than enough alcohol on hand when you want it.”

He pokes at the eggs.

“I can make something else,” I offer.

“No. This is fine.”

He starts to eat but doesn’t seem to relish the food.

“Ginger supposedly helps with nausea,” I say of the tea.

“Thanks. You got class or work today?”

I nod. “I should get myself over to campus as soon as I’m done with breakfast.”

“Marshall can give you a ride.”

“He’s here?”

“Said he wanted to come in early and review the security footage again.”

“I’m good taking BART.”

“Marshall will drive you.”

“Taking public transportation isn’t the end of the world, you know.”

Darren gives me a look that’s intended to end the conversation. Given that he has a hangover and potentially took two bullets for me, I don’t argue with him.

I go to class, but I can’t wait to get back to Darren. Something feels different. Maybe it’s because I’ve never seen him hung over before.

Luckily, my last class today ends at three, and I don’t have a work shift. Per Darren’s instructions, Marshall picks me up when I’m done. It’s been raining nonstop today, so as much as I like public transportation, it’s nice to limit my exposure to the rain.

“How’s Darren doing today?” I ask Marshall when I get in his car.