Page 87 of Claimed

Eric frowns. “That’s the problem with some of these little guys. Some of them do shoddy work.”

“So why not go with the reputable companies?”

“Because…because most of them overcharge.”

“Quality usually costs more.”

Eric looks consternated.

“I’m not saying the larger construction firms are better,” I continue, “but you guys have contracted with different companies for all your projects. You must have come across some smaller guys who are reliable and do good work. Why not work with them again?”

“We do work with the good ones again.”

“Not according to Ben Lee.”

“Ben doesn’t know shit about how we run our business.”

At that moment, Kimberly shows up, wearing a skin-tight leather jumpsuit and stiletto heels. Walking up to Eric, she gives him a kiss.

“Wow,” Eric says with obvious admiration as he looks her over.

“You like it?” she asks, turning around to give him the 360.

JD rolls his eyes. He thumps me on the chest. “Ray’s here. Let’s go say hi. We’ll be back.”

Kimberly smirks at me as I follow JD.

“What’s wrong with you?” JD asks as we make our way down the stairs. “You’re acting like Amy’s friend.”

“I spoke with Ben Lee,” I reply. “He said, ‘You don’t want to do business with a Drumm.’”

“Yeah, but we’re not in this for business exactly. We’re doing him a favor so that we can cash in on a favor when we need it.”

“But the way they do business suggests they only look out for themselves. When we need their help, they’ll help us out if it’s in their interest to help us out. If not, we’re shit out of luck. They’ve got no ethics.”

JD stops and stares at me, agog. “Since when do we give a fuck about ethics? You forget we’re gangsters?”

“We’ve still got to know what we’re dealing with. And I don’t trust Drumm.”

“Why not? Eric’s dad is like the ultimate gangster. He likes to run his business and the government like the fucking Godfather. We can relate, right?”

“I’m not looking to pay homage to Drumm.”

“I don’t get what your problem with Drumm is.”

Sensing that I’m not going to persuade JD on Drumm’s character faults, I say, “I want a return of some kind. Otherwise, there’s better things I can do with my money.”

Now JD looks consternated. “You sore because Drumm’s dating your ex? Is that what this is?”

I don’t even want to bother answering that question, even though I’m sure if I snapped my fingers, Kimberly would be back at my side.


We turn around and see Amy waving at us.

“Thank God,” JD exhales and whispers to me, “I thought she was going to bring her friend this time because she said she felt bad coming here a lot without her, but I do not need that friend of hers here. Bad enough you’re getting up in Drumm’s face.”

JD walks over to Amy. After I nod hello to her, I decide to get a drink from Felipe.