Page 72 of Claimed

~ Bridget ~


Darren’s left, but I’m still in a daze. I can’t believe I orgasmed from a foot rub. Does he know I orgasmed? Was that foot rub considered sex, since I climaxed?

I salvage the boiled eggs and put them in ice water. What in the world am I doing? I’ve never moved this fast with a guy before. And I’m pretty sure I didn’t even like him to begin with. Hell, do I like him now? He’s not my type. Not by a long shot. And I don’t like the way he just assumed I’d want to go over to his club tonight. He’s probably used to women tripping over him, so he expects I will, too.

Only he’s the one who sought me out. And why is that? Was he, for real, interested in me? And what’s my interest in him aside from the fact that my body has a way of responding to his presence and his touch?

Deciding that I’m overthinking things, I go into my room and try to focus on my resume. It’s not easy at first, but I turn on some music and eventually find my stride. In fact, I’ve got a draft done by the time Amy calls me.

“Hey, JD says he’s sending his driver to come pick us up,” Amy tells me. “I worked it out so that I can leave my shift early. It’s going to take me a while to figure out what to wear.”

“Which reminds me that I don’t have any club-appropriate clothing.”

“Borrow something from Simone again.”

“She’s taller than me. I have to wear heels to compensate.”

“So borrow a skirt or dress.”

I sigh. I like wearing my own clothes. And I’m not a fan of skirts or dresses, but I go ahead and ask Simone what she has.

“I’m not really a skirt or dress person, either,” Simone tells me. “I have a jean skirt and this black thing, which I think works well for clubbing.”

The dress, a black halter with a low neckline, is a little fancy to pair with my Mary Jane flats, but I take it.

“What kind of bra do you wear with it?” I ask.

“You don’t. You want some earrings to go with the dress?”

Simone likes large earrings with a lot of dazzle. Since I’m not looking to stand out in the crowd, I shake my head. “Thanks for the dress, though. Hopefully this is the last time I’ll have to borrow clothes from you.”

“Don’t sweat it. This guy must be special. I’ve never seen you dress up for anyone before.”

My heart skips a beat. “I’m just providing Amy company.”

Simone raises her beautifully arched brows. “So you don’t have a thing with that hunk of yum who was here earlier?”


“I heard our front door close, then saw him walk away from our building from my window.”

“How could you tell what he looked like?”

“He turned around after he caught ahold of Jordan. He was walking one way, and she the other. She conveniently tripped right when they passed each other. And she was flirting like you wouldn’t believe.” Simone rolled her eyes. She wasn’t a fan of Jordan either.

“I guess they’d make a cute couple,” I muse aloud.

“What are you talking about? You’re not giving up on the guy so easily?” Simone exclaimed. “I mean, he was here, in our apartment, with you, for a reason.”

“Yeah, it’s weird. But guys like Darren only slum it for one reason. Cinderella stories don’t exist in real life. Not unless you’re a model.”

“So if he was just looking for some booty, you wouldn’t be interested?”

I wish I could say no, that I wouldn’t be interested, but somehow my practical side is on vacation all of a sudden.

“Well, if you decide you’re up for just the fun parts, he’s a good choice,” Simone says with a sly smile.