I roll her beneath me and within minutes, I’m thrusting away inside her. Usually I take more time between getting to the meat of the action, but I need to get Bridget out of my head.
Only it doesn’t work. I manage to hold off until Emma comes, but throughout it all, I kept wondering what it would be like to have Bridget writhing beneath me.
After I’ve dressed and seen Emma off, I head back inside The Lotus and check in with Cheryl. We sit at the bar as she goes over access requests, staffing updates, a new supplier who wants our business, and that Manny Wu had called her when he couldn’t get through to me.
“I helped him out the other day,” I say. “What does he want now?”
“He’s asking if he can bring a guy named Tim Tran tonight,” Cheryl replies.
“Who’s that?”
“I looked into him. He runs with the Park Street Boyz in the Tenderloin.”
I frown. The PSB have had run-ins with the Jing San in the past. “Why is Manny interested in this guy?”
“He didn’t say. Wants to talk to you about it.”
“All right. I’ll call him back. Anything else?”
Cheryl hands me a shopping bag, the kind one gets from a boutique.
“What’s this?” I ask, not expecting a present.
“A sweater. Came back from the dry cleaner’s.”
I look in the bag. The beige garment is immediately familiar to me.
“Should we just toss it?” Cheryl asks.
I think for a moment, then take the bag. “I’ll get it back to its owner.”
After Cheryl goes into her office, I call Manny. “You’re joking, right? The Park Street Boyz?”
“I know, I know,” Manny says. “But that’s in the past.”
“Not everyone thinks so.”
“But even the old-timers understand a good opportunity when they see one.”
“You know Tran runs a few massage parlors here, South San Francisco and Daly City, right? Well, we can move even farther down the Peninsula, expand into the suburbs.”
I grab the bag with the sweater and continue the conversation as I make way down to the garage. “What does that have to do with my club?”
“I thought I’d make a good impression with Tran.”
“Take him to a nice restaurant.”
“I want somewhere we can talk business, too. Besides, your club is better than any restaurant.”
“There’s too much history with the PSB.”
“Those old turf wars are a thing of the past. It’s more about racism than anything else. Just ‘cause the PSB are mostly Southeast Asians, the old stiffs think they’re low-level shit.”
“The PSB are a street gang with no finesse. They pick fights in the open and that draws the attention of law enforcement.”
“Come on, Darren,” Manny whines. “This is a good opportunity for me.”