Page 44 of Claimed

“Do your parents live here in the Bay Area?”

“My mom spends most of her time in Singapore these days. My dad passed away a few years ago.”

There’s a grim set to his jaw, so I decide not to ask about his dad.

We stare at the view in silence till he asks, “What about your parents?”

“My father died while on active duty before I was even born. He didn't even know about me. Took my grandmother completely by surprise when my mom dropped this baby off with her. My mom’s off in Europe somewhere now. I was raised by my paternal grandmother. And her best friend and neighbor, whom I call Aunt Coretta even though she’s not related.”

Darren regards me. “Where does your grandmother live?”

“Oh, she passed two years ago from breast cancer.”

“I’m sorry to hear.”

I look at him closely. It’s hard to tell if he’s sincere or just playing the part of the polite babysitter, a role his cousin deftly left him in.

“She was an amazing woman,” I continue. “She did so much for me. I only wish I could have done something special for her, like take her on a dinner cruise around the bay or give her a spa day. She always wanted me to save whatever I earned for college.”

“She sounds practical. College is expensive.”

“For you, too?” I couldn’t help asking.

“I guess ‘expensive’ is a relative term.”

I go back to admiring the view. “This is so beautiful, I could stare at this for hours. I guess if importing and exporting chemical compounds can buy a view like this, I shouldn’t rule it out.”

Darren doesn’t say anything. I rub my arms to warm them.

“Is this event a fundraiser for Drumm?” I ask.


“Are you supporting Drumm?”

“I’m supporting my cousin.”

“But not Drumm?”

He narrows his eyes. “What does it matter?”

“Just curious to know where your politics land.”

“I don’t have any politics.”

I frown. “Don’t you vote?”


“Then you have some ‘politics.’ It’s not a bad thing. People talk about it like it’s some disease, but really, it just means you have beliefs.”

“And if I did support Drumm?”

I shrug. “You have a right to.”

“You wouldn’t try and talk me out of it?”

“Can I?”