Page 42 of Claimed

Amy shrugs. “Have you seen JD yet?”

An older man comes up to Amy. “You’re Jerry Chou’s kid, right?”

“Actually, my name’s Amy Liu. I’m a friend of JD’s.”

Taking a step closer, the man ogles Amy. “Are you sure you’re not Aileen Chou?”

“Speaking of JD, we’d better find him,” I say to Amy. Taking her by the arm, I lead her away.

“Thanks,” Amy says when we’re in the clear. “That man was so close I could smell the alcohol on his breath.”

A server stops by with appetizers served in shot glasses, and tiny spoons.

“You sure you don’t want to try the food?” I ask Amy, helping myself to a glass of what looks to be minced shrimp with avocado and mango.

Amy shakes her head.

“Wow,” I say after taking a bite. For me, the food is definitely going to be the best part of the night.

As I finish the ceviche, Amy and I stand around a bit, still looking for JD. I see Eric Drumm schmoozing with the guests and wonder if Darren’s ex-girlfriend is also here.

She is, and with my luck, she spots us and heads in our direction. I groan softly.

“Who is she again?” Amy whispers to me.

“Darren’s ex, but I think she’s Eric’s girlfriend now,” I reply and brace myself.

“You’re not wearing a sweater tonight,” Kimberly says to me.

Because I didn’t have one ugly enough for the occasion.

Instead, I only smile. At The Lotus, I wasn’t my best with Kimberly, and I want to be better this time. Coretta, a neighbor who helped look after me while my grandmother worked, would voice the old adage that if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all.

“Love the dress,” Amy says genuinely to Kimberly.

The dress is incredibly sexy with its spaghetti straps, cowl decolletage and shimmery fabric. But the compliment doesn’t really land.

“Your outfits are…nice,” Kimberly returns.

Amy furrows her brow, unsure if Kimberly is returning the compliment or doing the opposite. I know exactly what Kimberly means and just keep on smiling.

“Hey! You made it!”

It’s JD. And Darren.

Seeing them approach, Kimberly decides to move on.

JD smiles at Amy. “You look great.”

“Thanks. So do you,” Amy replies.

JD turns to me. “Barbara, right?”

“Bridget,” Darren supplies.

Maybe it’s the lighting, but he looks even more suave than I remember. His hair is gelled back, and he wears a sports jacket over slacks and a button-up shirt. His gaze feels like it takes in all of me. I don’t know why I care, but suddenly I have Amy’s food concern and hope I don’t have anything caught in my teeth.

“Right. Bridget,” JD says. “You girls want anything to drink?”