Page 39 of Claimed

Nearly thirty minutes has passed since she sent her text when she finally jumps off her bed. “He texted back!”

I sigh with relief.

Amy’s face lights up. “He says I can bring the jacket over to an event he’s hosting tonight!”

“Cool,” I reply. “Don’t you have to work tonight?”

“I’ll call in sick. It’s at his place in the city.”

“His place? I think that’s a sign he’s still interested in you.”

“But it’s an event, so there’ll be other people. What are you doing tonight?”

I balk. “Study. Work on my resume.”

“But it’s a Thursday night. Which is the new Friday. And Friday night is part of the weekend.”

“There’s this cool fellowship I just found out about.”

Plus, I already went with you to the city last night, I almost added.

“His cousin might be at the event.”

I bristle. “So?”

“So wouldn’t it be cool if you and I hooked up with JD and Darren?”

“I don’t need to be made fun of again.”

“Please. I don’t want to go to an event where I don’t know anyone.”

“You know JD.”

“But he’s the host. What if he has to mingle with other people? What if there are a lot of people at this event? If you go, I won’t ask you for another favor ever.”

“Are you even allowed to bring a friend?”

“I’ll text JD, but if he says ‘yes,’ will you?”

I blow out my breath. “Ask Simone or Kat first. If they can’t go, I’ll do it.”

Amy gives me a big hug. “You’re the best.”

Silently, I pray that one of our other roommates can make it. But I’m not so lucky. The evening rolls around and Simone, who was open to going with Amy, gets asked by her girlfriend to go to the basketball game. Kat is hanging with her new sorority sisters and hitting up some frat parties. So that leaves me. And I can’t decide if the prospect that Darren might be there is a good thing or bad. Amy’s suggestion that I go after Darren is ludicrous. He’s not my type.

Granted, I don’t know him that well. But his world of designer clothing and model girlfriends is so different from mine. Plus, he was rude to me. Wealth and good looks can make someone insensitive to those who don’t have those same assets.

He did apologize and tried to make up for it, the other half of me reasons.

But I’m not sure I’m ready to completely forgive him. It’s not that I’m vindictive, but something about him makes me put my guard up, like an instinct to protect myself.