She pressed her lips into a line and made no answer.

“Does this displease you, Mrs. Pennington?”

“Not if it pleases you, Master Ashley.”

Taking a knee behind her, he spread her arse cheeks and touched the point of the plug to her anus.

“It is better to relax,” he advised when she braced herself.

“Yes, Master Ashley.”

He stroked the plug over the tight orifice, teasing and caressing the reluctant opening before nestling the tip into the hollow. She gave a soft grunt, then a louder one as he pushed in a little further.

“When was your arse last breached?” he asked.

“It has been years.”

“Do you have fond memories of it?”

“I do, Master Ashley.”

The area of his groin tightened at the huskiness of her response. Her delectable derrière invited to be taken.

He turned and pushed the plug against the resistance till the bulbous part of the plug slipped in and the tail was secured. Standing, he took a step back to admire the effect. The paleness of her buttocks wanted color, and he would rectify that later.

“How do you like your tail, Mrs. Pennington?”

“Very much, Master Ashley.”

“Then we are ready.”

Taking the leash, he led her down the stairs to the main drawing room. As she had to crawl, they moved slowly but arrived before most of the guests had entered. He took a position facing the entry so that she could be seen by all who entered.

The faces were new, and he was glad not to be known. He recognized only Mistress Brownwen, who also sported a pet upon a leash.

“Master Ashley,” Mistress Brownwen greeted, “what a surprise. I thought we had seen the last of you.”

He bowed over her hand. “It pleases me to see that you are in good health and as lovely as when last we met.”

Though several years older and with a strand or two of grey amid her dark brown locks, Mistress Brownwen still possessed command. She wore long silk gloves of black to match her black corset and several layers of black satin petticoats.

She raised a slim eyebrow. “Are we the charmer now?”

“Attempting to be more of a gentleman, m’lady.”

“That won’t do. We shall have to erase as much of that as possible here at the Red Chrysanthemum. I think it can be done with but a few more visits.”

“Tonight is my last visit.”

“But why? Why can you not return?”

“I was done here.”

“Then what brings you here tonight?”

His hand tightened about the leash he held. “Unique circumstances that will not see a repetition.”

Seeing that he wished not to discuss the matter, Mistress Brownwen turned her attention to Mrs. Pennington. “What a lovely pet you have, Master Ashley. Perhaps, if our pets are well behaved, they may entertain one another.”