When she was done, she resumed her previous stance. She held her breath as best she could to tighten her belly. There was nothing to hide behind. The whole of her body was bared to him. The maddening silence had returned. What were his thoughts? Did her naked body titillate or repel him? Despite the warmth of the fire from the hearth across the room, she felt slightly chilled.

“Place your hands on your head and turn for me.”

She swallowed and, with arms raised, began to slowly pivot in place.

“Again,” he said when she had completed one rotation.

Did he know her discomfort and intended to draw it out? she wondered. Without protest, however, she turned around once more that he could see her nakedness from many angles.

“Again,” he repeated after her second rotation.

As she turned, she dared to peek at his crotch. A faint tenting had begun there, providing her hope that he did not find her repulsive. But there was still a hard set to his jaw and a frown to his lips, lips that she wondered if she would ever have the chance of kissing. She would dearly like to. One kiss would make the entire night worthwhile. She would make amends and turn his frown into a smile by being the best submissive he had ever had.

But when he did nothing but circle her for several minutes, her forbearance began to waver just a little.

“Are you uncomfortable, Mrs. Pennington?”

She was glad for the end to the silence but not for the question.

“You must know that any fib, the slightest prevarication, will merit a severe punishment,” he reminded her.

“I am a little uneasy,” she admitted.

“Do you regret the situation you sought?”

She glanced up quickly and answered emphatically. “No.”

He stood within inches of her, close enough for her to inhale his essence and sense the power within his form.

“And what is the source of your unease?”

“I do not know what to expect.”

“Indeed? You led me to believe you understood Master Ashley and, despite that, desired his return.”

“Yes, but I do not know what you will do at this very moment. You have much you can draw upon. Perhaps my unease is more properly anticipation.”

“Is that all?”

She hesitated. Would he know if she fibbed?

“I believe it so,” she answered.

She felt his study and was glad not to have to meet his eye.

“Why did you choose to greet me dressed?” he inquired. “Have you ever witnessed any submissive of mine clothed?”

“I merely awaited your orders, Master Ashley. Did I not comply when you requested I undress?”

“I ask the questions, Mrs. Pennington, and you did not answer mine.”

She waited a second too long to answer for his hand was behind her, grabbing her queue, which he twisted as he pulled her head back. She gasped at the sharp tug upon her scalp.

“You fail to know me if you dare deceive me so early,” he growled. “Why were you dressed?”

“I-I felt more at ease dressed, but I mean to do everything you bid me. Everything.”

He released her and looked her over once more. “More at ease dressed?”