“In the manner of a little girl, m’lady?” the surprised maid asked for no woman would have worn her hair in such an informal manner.

“Yes, and be quick for I’ve not much time,” Georgeanna replied. It would not do to keep Master Ashley waiting.

“Félicitations,” Devereux said upon entering the dressing chambers. “I understand that Cedman is canceling his other engagement for the evening.”

“Did he mention where he was to be?”

“The letter he penned for the messenger was marked for Haymarket.”

Georgeanna wondered if he had intended to meet Miss Adams there. Well, Miss Adams could have him another night. Tonight, Ashley was hers.

“What shall you wear for this special occasion?” Madame asked, looking over the many costumes in the armoire and running a hand along a sheer wrap. “Perhaps you could play the part of a nymph.”

“Master Ashley prefers his submissives in the buff,” Georgeanna said quietly.

“Ah, yes. He does not like to fuss with garments. Clothing must be earned with him.”

Georgeanna bit her lower lip.

It was not her preference to be sans clothing during her first engagement Master Ashley. Since giving birth to two boys, it seemed her hips had grown wider, and for certain there was more roundness to her belly. She had not the slender form she once had.

"Perhaps he will be content if I am in but a shift and stays."

Devereux lifted a doubtful eyebrow.

"He was not eager to resume the role of Master Ashley," Georgeanna reasoned. "His preferences may have altered a little."

"Are you certain you wish to risk such a guess?"

Georgeanna hesitated before replying, "If he wishes me to strip all garments, I will do so."

After the dressing maid had assisted her from her clothes, leaving only her two undergarments in place, Georgeanna ventured up to the third floor and into the room reserved only by the most wicked and wanton members. As this was not a room she had often frequented, eagerness dueled with fear inside of her as she gazed upon the many instruments of torture: several crops, whips and canes; a cage fit more for a dog than a man; a pillory; a wooden bench with iron shackles; and much, much more.

Hearing footsteps, she quickly settled herself to her knees upon the bare wooden floor, clasped her hands before her, and dropped her head. The door opened. It was him.

He stopped in front of her. She kept her eyes downcast and saw only the gleam of his black shoes and the tip of his walking stick. Anticipation percolated from deep within her to the surface of her skin. She would have greeted him, but it was not her place to speak first, though she greatly desired to when the silence between them lengthened.

"You professed to know all my preferences," he said at last. "Why are you then still in your undergarments?"

Her heart sank to hear the disappointment in his tone. "Forgive me, Master Ashley. Shall I fetch the dressing maid?"

His gaze swept over her from head to toe. "I've no wish to prolong the evening and will undress you myself, but this is not an auspicious beginning."

"Yes, Master."


She did as he bid, feeling rather like a child about to be reprimanded. She wanted to look at him to see how vexed he might be but kept her head down and her hands in front of her.

Setting down his walking stick, gloves, and hat, he went to stand behind her and began unlacing her stays. She could feel the strength and deftness of his hands as he pulled the ribbons through the grommets. He had not even touched her, but his nearness was enough to make her nerves stand on edge. She wondered if he would punish her for her transgression. With any other master, she would have asked if the punishment was forthcoming, but she knew better than to speak with Master Ashley lest prompted. She had committed one error already, and that might prove one too many.

The stays fell to the floor. As the article was made of fine silk, she hoped he would permit her to pick the garment off the floor.

"Remove your shift," he ordered.

She closed her eyes momentarily, reminding herself that it did not matter how her figure might appear to him. Master Ashley was committed to her for the evening, no matter how he might regard her. She pulled one side of her shift down a shoulder, then the other, and slowly drew it down past her bosom, belly, hips and thighs, till nearing her knees, she was able to step out of the garment.

"You may place your undergarments upon the chair before returning to your place,” he directed.