“She had, but I think enough time has passed that you ought to reconsider your decision and renew your acquaintance with the Red Chrysanthemum.”

He tightened his grip on his walking stick. “You flatter me, Lady Pennington, but I pray you consider a monetary offering for Merrybourne.”

“A monetary offering you can ill afford? I like my proposition better.”

In disbelief and the slightest twinge of awe, he stared at her. This woman wished to be his submissive?

“How much do you know of Master Ashley?” he questioned.

She grew bold and advanced closer to him. With her enticing form and charming smile, she made for a lovely conquest, but he was not in search of a skirt to lay. There were barmaids and opera dancers to satisfy his venereal needs.

And yet, he did miss the Red Chrysanthemum.

“Everything,” she answered.

His gaze fell to her rosy lips, and he felt a throb in the area of his groin. Collecting himself, he narrowed his eyes.

“And what does everything entail?”

“I have witnessed what you were capable of with your submissives. I know all your penchants and preferences. You favor the flogger and crop, despise leniency and artifice, and are a Master of skill and…vigor.”

His color rose. “It was, alas, misplaced. I committed an unforgivable error for a Master.”

She now stood within arm’s reach. Her eyes radiated more than the light in the room. “Perhaps you chose the wrong submissive.”

“Do you mean to suggest you are the right submissive?”

“I am.”

“How long have you been a member here?”

“I was a member for a sixmonth before I married, upon which I took a leave of absence, and returned some three months ago.”

“Not quite a year then in sum.” He shook his head. “Forgive my bluntness, Lady Pennington, but I hardly think you up to the task.”

Her charming lips formed a frown. “You know nothing of my competence.”

“Be that as it may, were you the most capable submissive—”

“I may be short in my tenure here, but my talents more than compensate.”

“—it does not persuade me from the decision I had made several years ago.”

He intended that should be the end of the matter, but her ladyship thought otherwise.


Georgeanna pursed her lips at his resistance. She had had no intention of throwing his family out of Merrybourne because she had thought he would capitulate to her demands. She had not anticipated such a stubborn refusal. Madame Devereux had explained a mishap had occurred between Ashley and Miss Julia. As it happened during Georgeanna’s absence from the Red Chrysanthemum, she had not witnessed what had occurred and had only learned of his departure some time afterward. But she was fairly convinced that the submissive had not been up to task for Master Ashley.

“You need not fear that I shall fail you,” she said to him.

“You expect that I should simply take your word for it?” he returned and glanced at the clock.

“You may consult with Madame Devereux. She will confirm that I am a woman of uncommon stamina and fortitude.”

“There must be another Master available—”

“Not one with the same appeal.”