He had not expected this response. She was stronger than he had thought . He tossed the crop and rubbed her cunnie to ensure her arousal did not dissipate. Then he slapped her with his bare hand.

“Thank you, Master Ashley.”

Tightness twisted in his groin. Picking up the dildo she had coughed out earlier, he inserted it into her quim. He tossed the crop and kicked aside the footstool. The chair fell back in place. He unbuttoned his fall and straddled her. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down onto his cock. This time he would control the action. He fucked her mouth at his pace, pushing his shaft as deep as he could. He bucked his hips furiously, reminding himself that she deserved no mercy.

She suffered his assault surprisingly well, visibly struggling only a few times as drool slid down the sides of her mouth, the sides of his member. She felt exquisite. Damnably exquisite.

Feeling his load ready to burst, he yanked his cock out and aimed it at her lovely physiognomy. His seed coated her, glistening upon her cheeks, her nose, her lips.

“Thank you, Master,” she whispered.

Spent, his body gave a haggard shake as he eased the last of his mettle from his cock. A few drops landed upon the floor. When his gaze met hers, he had to close his eyes or he might find himself lost in the brilliance of her eyes. Of a sudden, he wanted to free her from her bonds and make love to her.

It was not an auspicious sentiment.


Her mouth was sore, and the forming of words required some effort, yet, she relished every minute of it all. Yes, the crop had stung. The rattan cane on the bottom of her foot had been hellish. And the waiting while hooded, unable to see what he was doing, mindful not to gag upon the wooden cock stretching her mouth, eagerly anticipating what he might do next, fearful of what he might do next, desiring his touch, all too aware of the lust swirling inside of her as she waited and waited…that had been the worst.

In the moment, she had considered it torturous. Minutes passed like hours beneath the warmth of the hood. But now that she was upon the other side, now that her cunnie was full, she ached only for release. She hoped he had exaggerated the odds of her not spending. She was close to that rapturous climax. If he but fondled her clitoris for a minute, she thought she might explode.

To her disappointment, however, he removed the dildo from her and began untying the ropes.

“We are not done, Master?”

“You wish for more?”

“Most assuredly, Master Ashley.”

He raised his brows at the fervor with which she spoke. She could not discern all his thoughts, but she thought she detected a modicum of admiration.

“Then clean the seed upon the floor.”

She went to the floor on bent knees and licked the drops there.

“Now grasp your hands behind your legs.”

She embraced her thighs and felt him wind rope about her wrists. It was worse than being trussed in the chair. Her body thus folded, her head pressed into the ground, her derrière rose into the air. His seed slid from one side of her face toward the other, tickling the bottom of her nose. With her arse propped in such a manner, she was certain she would receive a spanking. A moment later, she heard the soft swish of a flogger. He slapped it against his own leg several times before letting it fall on her rump.

“You will want to remain as still as you can,” he advised, “or the tails might not strike as intended.”

“Yes, Master.”

He warmed her arse with lighter strokes before delivering harder blows. She liked the thud of the falls and found them rather soothing. She remembered when she had first glimpsed Master Ashley wielding a flogger—two in fact. He had kept an enchanting rotation so that each buttock of his submissive beauty would not have to wait long to receive its blow. He had worn no shirt that day, and Georgeanna had savored the sight of his bare chest, hungrily eyeing each ridge, each plane. How she wished he would discard his attire tonight! She wanted to caress every inch of him with her hands, her mouth. For a second, she considered making the request, but she knew he was in no mood to oblige her.

“Thank you, Master,” she said after the falls had grazed her folds.

After covering all parts of her rump with the touch of the flogger, he changed his delivery and applied the tips of the falls for a greater sting. She preferred the former blows but was rewarded for her forbearance when he ran the handle of the flogger along her folds. She wanted to press down upon it so that her clitoris would rub against it. Desire spread from between her thighs to the rest of her body in delicious flutters. After being attended to in such a manner for several minutes, she was ready to hump the flogger.

“Will you not fuck me, Master?” she could not resist. “Make use of my body for your pleasure. Punish my cunnie with your cock.”

She risked his contempt with her remarks, but her body craved his cock.

“Not yet,” he replied. “Your arse blushes nicely but merits a deeper hue.”

He walked away with the flogger, and she sighed at the loss of its presence, leaving her wetness to drip down the sides of her thighs. When he returned, she saw that he had a wooden paddle, one with holes so that it would cut through the air faster.

“Hold still,” he said, placing his boot at the back of her head to further remind her not to move.