“Choose for me one person whose concerns you will take to heart. One person to care for—that is not me. Do this, and I shall even refrain from ever troubling you with talk of marriage and heirs.”

He frowned. “Who is to be this person?”

“It is for you to choose. You have many in your family whom could use your protection, guidance and wisdom. I am certain you will make a selection that will make me happy. And this would be the best birthday gift of all to me.”

From the corner of his eye, he saw Priestly walking away. “Very well, I will give it consideration.”

“Well, do not take forever to make your decision or it will not qualify as a birthday present.”

He sensed that Katherine had more to say, but she knew better than to stay him too long. After speaking with Mr. Priestly, he would take his leave. There were too many mothers present who had set their sights upon him, though if they knew what he planned in the way of female companionship this weekend, they would reconsider him as a marital prospect for their daughters. They would be appalled and horrified.

He had not been to Château Follet in some time and looked with anticipation to indulging his most wicked penchants in the coming days.