“You will think differently with time.”

“You are presumptuous, sir.”

“There are few who would dare speak to me in such a manner, and fewer who could do so without raising my ire.”

If they had not resumed their identities as Alastair and Millie, he would have taught her more courtesy. A spanking or a flogging would do nicely.

She lowered her gaze for a few seconds. “Your pardon, but, really, Alastair, you do not know me well enough to make such a claim. In truth, I am quite surprised that you seem to harbor more shame than I.”

The thought seemed to amuse her, and he bristled. “I was only worried for your sake. My sex can dispense with guilt much more easily than yours, especially over matters of the flesh.”

She was silent in thought. “Am I more the wanton jade if I harbor no repentance or shame? Am I a…slut?”

He groaned, and he felt another unsettling tug at his crotch. He had thought such sensations would not have persisted past the night.

“Millie, that is not at all what I intended with my words! I applaud that you honored the natural cravings inside you and sought to fulfill them without fear.”

“You tried to stop me.”

“That was before I knew you had already forsaken your virtue!”

“Then you have no need to worry of me, though I appreciate your concern. It is quite hopeful that you may not be as unredeemable as society deems you to be.”

He growled at her teasing smile. Women. If he had had a choice, he would have selected one of his own sex to fulfill Katherine’s birthday wish.

“My dear cousin,” Millie said. “I will forever be grateful to you for last night. My one fear is that you will henceforth be awkward in my presence.”

“You think our relationship can remain the same after what happened?”

“Why not?”

“Your naivety is charming at best.”

She pursed her lips. “Well, we are not often in each other’s company. I expect it will be even less once I am Mrs. Haversham. The night will hold little significance for you after you have had a tumble with Miss Hollingsworth or whomever you choose next. I daresay you will have forgotten the night altogether after your next visit here.”

He rather hoped this would be the case. Theirs had been an easy interaction till yesterday, and he now believed he enjoyed her company as much as he could enjoy the company of anyone.

“And what of you?” he asked. “You blushed at a mere greeting of ‘good morning’ from me.”

“I did? Well, that will not always be the case.”

He did not refute her wishful thinking and rose to attend the knock at the door. Bhadra held a tray of tea, toast, and eggs. She bobbed a curtsy before entering.

“Lady Katherine is just arrived,” Bhadra said to Millie. “Shall I bring items of dress down here?”

“You may bring Miss Abbey a robe and dress her in the comfort of her chambers,” he instructed. “I will attend my aunt.”

“I pray you will not be cross with her,” Millie said quickly.

He gave her an admonishing look for speaking in front of a servant. Chastened, she fixed upon the toast before her. He held the door for Bhadra before following her.

“Where is Lady Katherine?” he asked the maid.

“In the red drawing room with Madame Follet.”

He made for the drawing room, bowed upon his entry to the two women, who seemed engaged in quite the feminine intrigue, and addressed Marguerite. “May I have a word with my aunt?”

He could see Marguerite hesitate, but his tone would not be denied.