“Browbeat? No. I merely wish to entice you. I have received some instruction in this and am no novice.”

He shook his head. “Good God, Millie. When I discover this wretch who has turned you…”

“Turned me ‘what?’ Into you?”

He looked a little as if he might like to throttle her. Or spank her. Though her backside was still sore, she would have welcomed an encore.

“I will ask no more of you after this,” she promised.

“You are asking to—to take me into your mouth…”

She gave him a broad smile. “Yes. Please. My lord.”

He uttered an oath beneath his breath. Before he could answer, she had sunk to her knees before him. She eyed his crotch hungrily.

“You might even be pleasantly surprised,” she said. “I may be as good as or better than Miss Hollingsworth might have been.”

She reached a hand to the buttons of his fall, but he caught her wrist.


She pouted. “Come. It is not as if we are engaging in sin.”

“Not engaging in sin?” he exclaimed, incredulous.

“Further sin. We have done the worst of it already.”

With her other hand, she cupped his groin. He groaned. Could she tempt him once more? The prospect that she could, that she was capable of such sway, excited her.

“I am not one given to generous doses of conscience,” he said, “and you would lay to waste my attempts at goodness.”

“I never invited you to be what you are not.”

He paused. Perhaps he appreciated this in her. Doubtlessly, the women who hoped to tempt a proposal from him would not wish him to continue as he was once wed.

“I pray you be the rake with me,” she said as she pressed her lips to him. “It is only fair.”

With her one free hand, she undid a button. With a shaky breath, he released her other hand. She rubbed her hands over him, coaxing him to hardness once more. A thrill went through her when she felt him responding.

She finished off all the buttons and freed his erection. It was glorious. All this hardness for and because of her. She brushed her fingers over the ridges of the veins and shivered. This had been inside her, had penetrated her deeper than anything had. Eagerly, she licked its underside, her tongue finding a spot that made him moan.

“You’ve no need to do anything, Millie,” he said.

“You granted and fulfilled my wishes and sacrificed your night to do right by me, but do not assume that I am merely returning your favor. I take much pleasure in the taste of cockmeat.”

She engulfed him. He gave a quivering moan. She knew not if she tasted him, her, or the both of them upon his flesh. Heat swirled between her legs at the notion that she might be ingesting the flavor of her own desire. What wickedness!

Greedily, she sank her mouth farther down his shaft.

“Dear God.”

Pleased at his reaction, she attempted to swallow more of him. With the stable hand, she had been able to take her mouth all the way to his pelvis. With Alastair, several inches still separated her lips from the base of his erection. She combed her fingers through the curls at his crotch, then cupped his sack, cradling the heavy balls there. He grunted and wound a hand through her hair.

She knew to keep her teeth behind her lips and slowly began the motion that his sex adored. She drew her mouth up his length, then down as far as she could go. Over and over, she slid herself along his manhood. She sucked at the flared crown.

“Ahhh…” he gasped, his grasp on her tightening.

His hand at the back of her head, he pushed her back down. She went farther than she had done before and gagged when his tip grazed the back of her throat. After recovering, she gripped his member with both hands to keep it steady. But he dictated the pace. He pulled her up his shaft, then pressed her back down. Each time, he went a little farther, until she choked. She would have taken a respite, but he kept her on his cock.