“And what is this device for?” She picked up a small metal clamp, from which dangled an iron weight.

Alastair strode over and took the item from her. “We should return to your chambers.”

“There is no need for you to make me a prisoner, sir. I have lost what chance I might have had with Lord Devon, slim though my prospects might have been. You need no longer worry that I might fall into the wrong hands.”

She made no mention of the invitation from the man with the flogger.

Alastair took her by the elbow. “I cannot trust you to your own devices. Climbing balconies in the dark—while inebriated—is hardly prudent activity.”

She yanked her arm from him. “If you had not put me in so desperate a situation, I never would have considered it.”

“All this is my doing?”

“I certainly did not ask to be so rudely handled by you. Perhaps if you had granted my request of the dowry, neither one of us would be in such an unsatisfactory situation.”

She spoke unfairly, but she was too cross at him to mind.

“You may satisfy yourself that, after tonight, I shall never concern myself with you again.”

“Thank God!”

He stared at her, and she wondered at the wisdom of her boldness when she saw a vein at this temple throb.

“Stop behaving like a child, Millie.”

He reached once more for her, but she avoided him.

“I am merely exploring the château. What objection could you have to that?”

“I object to what you will encounter. There are sights here that are not for the delicate—”

“Sights such as this?” She gestured to the room. “They do not frighten me. They intrigue me.”

“Because you know not their purpose.”

“Then tell me. I wish to know.”

A muscle rippled along his jaw. “Do you?”

“My constitution is not as slight as you would presume.”

He picked up the metal clamp she had held earlier. “This is applied to the nipple. The clamp alone will induce a pinching pain, but the addition of the weight makes it excruciating.”

She felt a tingle in her nipples. How she would like to try the clamp! She had quite enjoyed it when the stable hand had pinched and bitten her nipples.

“And this?” she asked, pointing to a metal circle with a similar belt to the ball gag.

“A different sort of gag,” he replied, his perturbation growing.

“But why the ring?”

He drew in his breath and muttered, “To hold the mouth open.”

“For what purpose?”

“To make breathing awkward for the wearer.”

“I can see that the ring would be uncomfortable, but one can easily take in air through the nose.” She picked up the ring for closer examination. “The ball serves its purpose better, no?”