“You are ready to give your trust to a man you just met?”

“I understand that Madame Follet does not extend her invitations to merely anyone.”

“She is not immune from making mistakes.”

“I am willing to take that chance.”

His countenance darkened. “You are willing, then, to award a man who may prove to be a cad your maidenhead? Once given, it cannot be recalled.”

She flushed and tried once more to disengage her arm. When the effort proved fruitless, she stared him square in the eyes and said, “That honor has already been bestowed on another!”

His eyes widened in surprise, and she felt a small triumph in being able to astonish the man. A maid presented them with her tray of wine glasses, and Mildred reached for one.

“You have had enough of that,” Alastair growled. To the maid, he said, “A glass of water or lemonade for the mademoiselle.”

After the maid had left, he turned back to Mildred. The shock had not left him.

“You are no longer a virgin?” he asked.

“You see, I am more suited to Château Follet than you think.”

“But who—with whom—?”

“That is none of your affair.”

“I can make it my affair.”

“I do not presume to ask the names of the women you have deflowered.”

His nostrils flared. “I do not de—”

“Perhaps you could make it known to Haversham that I am no longer in possession of my honor? For certain he will not wish to marry me then.”

“That is the wine talking. When you have come to your senses, you will see what a preposterous notion that would be. I know you would not shame your family in such a way. Despite what Katherine or Marguerite might have said to you, coming to Château Follet carries great risk for you. And you have worsened it by befriending a suspect man and allowing him to intoxicate you!”

“He did not intoxicate me! I drank the port of my own free will.”

“Which he encouraged and supplied for you.”

He had paid more attention to her during the dinner than she would have thought. It was all very trying and slightly incomprehensible, which made her mind swim. With auspicious timing, the maid returned with a glass of lemonade, which Alastair took and presented to Mildred.

“Drink it,” he commanded.

Hoping that doing so would bring about an earlier conclusion to their dialogue, she did as he bid.

“Who was it?” he asked after she had finished half the beverage.

“Who was what?” she returned.

He looked about, then drew her from the room, closing the doors behind them. “Who deflowered you?”

“I said it was none of your affair. It serves you no purpose to know.”

“If I were your father or your brother, I would call the rogue out.”

“But you are neither.”

“Thank God!” they said in unison.