Page 10 of His Little Amethyst

“You need to let Papi give you a bath, Baby girl. It will help bring your fever down and wash the toxins off your skin.”

She frowns, blinking at me. “What toxins?”

“Anything you’ve ever touched on Earth really,” I point out. “Even your water is filled with impurities.”

She glances at the basin, lifting her small foot up so it won’t get wet again. “Isn’t that the same water?”

“Nope. We bring our own water. Yours would wreak havoc on our digestive systems. We bring our own food too.” Without warning, I lower her into the basin that now has several inches of water.

She wiggles against my hold. “No. No bath.”

I set her fully on the bottom of the basin, trying not to let her thrash around too much.

She comes more fully awake with the cool water touching her skin. “No bath,” she insists again.

It’s impossible not to smile. My chest is tight. She’s adorable. How will I ever punish her? I’m going to need to get firm with her now though before she decides she can walk all over me.

I hold her flailing hand in one of mine and bring her fingers to my lips. Before she knows my intention, I prick her middle finger.

She jerks on her hand, eyes wider. “That hurts, Papi. How are you doing that? Do you have a needle in your mouth?”

“We call it a quill, and yes, it’s behind my front teeth.”

“What’s it for?” She’s still tugging on her hand, but I won’t release her.

“It has several uses. One of them is to help calm you when you’re distressed. I know you don’t feel well, Baby girl, but I need you to obey Papi so I can take care of you. It’s dangerous for you to squirm around in the basin. You might fall and get hurt.” I narrow my gaze, trying to ensure she knows I mean business.

She’s breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling as she stares at me in shock. At least she’s not fighting me.

“What’s happening to me?” she asks so softly I barely hear her.

“Your body is adjusting, beginning to recognize the pull toward me,” I answer her honestly.

She licks her lips. “You’re claiming me,” she states. It’s not a question.

I nod. “Already have, Little one. It’s done.”

Tears well up in her eyes. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

“I know it’s scary. You’ll understand better with time. For now, all you need to do is let Papi take care of you. It’s not optional. Papi knows what’s best for you. All I care about in the universe now is getting you healthy and keeping you safe. I know human females are used to being independent, but females on my planet are protected at all costs. It’s an adjustment. Little girls need boundaries and discipline to ensure their safety.”

She gasps. “I can take care of myself.”

I love her spunk, but I need to be firm, starting now. “I’m sure you can, Little one, but you won’t anymore. Papi will take care of you.”

She frowns.

“Can you be a good girl for me and let me bathe you now, Little one? Or do you need me to spank your cute little bottom first?”

Her wide eyes go wider. “You can’t spank me.”

I smile and kiss her fingertips again before pricking another one. “I have a feeling you’ll be over my knee getting your tush swatted often at first. It’s normal. Little girls have a hard time adjusting to the way we live on Eleadia.”

She glances around and then slumps into the water. “Too tired to argue with you,” she mumbles.

I smile. If she wants to acquiesce under the guise of being too tired to misbehave, that’s fine with me.

Before she can protest further, I lower her head back into the water to get her hair wet. I want to wash every inch of her so nothing from Earth lingers on her skin or hair.