Page 45 of His Little Amethyst

My lip quivers. “I’m sorry for being naughty, Papi.”

“I know you are. You were very, very naughty, weren’t you?”

I nod. I was. “I didn’t mean it when I said I hated you. I don’t hate you.”

“I know you don’t, Little one. Papi doesn’t like to punish you like that. It makes me sad.”

“It makes me horny.”

He chuckles.

“I don’t like it. I need to come.” I’m begging.

“I know you do. You’ll think twice before you disobey Papi like that next time.”

“Yes, Sir,” I concede. My heart is racing, but I’m not going to get what I need, so I try to relax and ignore the burn and the arousal.

“Sleep, Baby girl. You’re exhausted.” He leaves the room.

I watch him go, taking deep breaths. I did this to myself. It was awful. I don’t want to be punished like that again. I don’t want Papi to feed me in my crib without touching me. I want him to hold me and rock me and touch me. I want him to prick me and make me come. I want him to make love to me again like he did before we left Earth. It was the most powerful experience of my life, and I want it again.

I love him.

He’s my Papi. He’s my life. It’s going to take some time to adjust, but deep inside, I know he’s right. I want this. Fighting it will not serve me well.



“Girls…” Chadka’s firm voice makes me and Livy stop what we’re doing to look up at him. He’s leaning over our playpen, his eyes narrowed. “I love that you two are reunited, and I love that you have each other while Thabo and I work, but you must obey the rules, or you’ll be separated.”

Livy drops down from her knees to her butt and tips her head back. “Sorry, Papi.”

“Sorry, Sir,” I add as I too sit on my bottom.

“What’s going on?” Papi asks as he joins us in the corner of the receptionist area where our playpen is set up. He looks directly at me.

I lick my lips. “We were just playing and we came up onto our knees.”

“What’s the rule?” he asks in his stern, no-nonsense voice.

“Bottoms only in the playpen,” I breathe out.

“Why do we have rules?” he asks.

I’ve been here two weeks now, and I’m starting to realize when I misbehave, I have to repeat the rule I broke back to Papi every time. “For our safety.” It’s a very silly rule because kneeling is not more dangerous than sitting, but Papi and Chadka apparently think it is, so we have no choice but to obey.

Papi reaches over and strokes one of my curly pigtails. “If I hear Jeiken or Chadka reprimanding you again, we will not be going to the park.” He lifts a brow.

“I’ll be good, Papi.” I will be extra good because today is the first day Papi is going to take me to the park, and I’m so glad Livy is coming with us.

Today is the second day Papi has gone back to work. I’ve spent most of my time in the playpen while he’s working. Livy spends part of every day helping in the clinic. I’m jealous of her responsibilities already. I hope Papi and Chadka will let me help out too. I’ll get bored if I sit in here all day playing.

When the men walk away, Livy giggles. “We’re going to get each other into trouble,” she whispers.

“I’d rather we didn’t.” I shudder.

“You don’t like getting your bottom spanked?” she teases.