Page 28 of His Little Amethyst

“What kind of rules?” I ask skeptically. He’s very overprotective. I hope I can obey him.

“No climbing on furniture. It’s up to high for you. No standing in your crib or your playpen. You’ll stay on your bottom in both locations. No wandering out of my sight unless someone else is watching you. No opening doors or going outside without me. You may not go near the stove or oven or touch the dials for any reason. Those kinds of rules, Baby girl.”

I stare at him. “Papi, those rules are for babies. I’m a grown adult.”

He shakes his head. “You’re my responsibility. My Baby girl. Papi’s rules are intended to keep you safe. Every Papi on Eleadia has the same kind of rules.”

“You don’t want me to cook?”

“Nope. Papi will do the cooking. You’ll stay on a bottle for a while before I start gradually introducing our foods to you. We’ll want to make sure you aren’t allergic to anything. When you start eating solid foods, Papi will feed you in a high chair.”

I gasp. “For how long?”


I gasp again. My mouth drops open. I know my eyes are wide.

He kisses my nose. “It’s an adjustment, Little one. You’ll get used to the new way of life in no time. Papis don’t travel for a year to find their perfect Little girl only to have her choke on a bite of food because we weren’t supervising. Or fall off the couch and hit her head because we weren’t watching. Or get hit by a duocruiser in the street because she went outside alone.”

“You can’t protect me from everything, Papi,” I protest.

He nods. “I can protect you from as many things as possible, Baby girl. That’s why you must obey Papi. If you break the rules, you endanger your life. You won’t do so often unless you like to get spanked every day.”

I purse my lips. What if I do like to get spanked?

“Speaking of which…” Papi lifts off me and stands before tugging me to the edge of the bed by the ankles. He opens my diaper, cleans my skin with a damp cloth, and flips me onto my tummy.


“I’m sure you remember you owe me a spanking.”

I lick my lips as he lifts my hips and pushes two pillows under my tummy, elevating my bottom.

“Why is Papi going to spank you?” he asks.

“Because I keep touching my titties,” I murmur in a very Little voice.

“That’s right. Are you permitted to play with your titties, Little one?”

“No, Sir.”

He leans over and kisses my temple. “Good girl. I’m going to spank you pretty hard. It’s how Little girls learn a lesson. I’m also going to restrain your wrists when you’re in your crib because I know you have trouble obeying this rule.”

I’m panting now. The idea of him spanking me is making my pussy wet. The idea of him restraining me is making my pussy clench.

Papi draws in a deep breath. “I can smell your arousal, Baby girl. Do you enjoy being spanked? I know some humans do.”

I shrug. “No one has ever spanked me. I just…read about it.”

“In your books, the Little girls like to get spanked?” He sounds confused.

“Sometimes,” I tell him honestly.

“Hmmm. We’ll have to see if spanking is effective. Do Little girls in your books enjoy standing in a corner being ignored?”

I shake my head.

“Do they enjoy holding a ginger root in their rectums?”