
Voices bring me out of my hazy state a few minutes later. I’m aware I’ve been wheeled into the club, and there are men surrounding me, but I don’t have enough energy to focus on them.

I want to. Desperately. I want to ask the incredibly tall man I’ve never seen if he knows Livy, but I can’t find my voice. I’ve used up my energy. I blink at him several times, trying to get a better look at him.

I think my heart stops. Either he’s the sexiest man alive, or I’m hallucinating. Either is possible. He’s so damn big. His hair is thick and dark. His skin is dark too. So are his eyes. I know because he’s staring down at me. His expression holds a tremendous amount of concern. His eyes are wide as if he’s shocked.

Seconds tick by, the world seemingly not revolving any longer. The air feels thick and heavy. There are voices, but they’re muted. They belong to Thomas and John and maybe the manager I met last year. I hear a woman also. How is that possible? She sounds upset.

The enormous, sexy, dark man staring down at me is not speaking. He’s simply holding my gaze. And then his hand wraps around mine, and he’s holding me gently, stroking the back of my knuckles with his thumb.

I’m aware of the oddest things while other things are left out. He smells amazing. Why would I notice that? I can’t put my finger on what. It’s just him. His scent. He’s gigantic, but a gentle giant. His skin is warm and soft. His eyes penetrate me deeply as if he’s seeing parts of me I’ve never seen.

I shudder and try to lick my lips. “You know Livy?” I ask, almost imperceptibly. I barely hear my own voice.

And then he smiles.Oh God. His brow is still furrowed as if he’s concerned, but he’s smiling at the same time. “I do, Little one.”

I think I smile too. Relieved. I have a hundred questions, but I can’t voice them. I’m too tired. And I’m sweating again. I think my fever is back. My eyes are heavy.

He lifts my hand to his cheek and strokes my knuckles against his cleanly shaven face. “Rest, Little one. There will be time to talk later.”

I’m vaguely aware of Thomas’s deep voice. He sounds angry. I can’t focus on him though. I don’t want to. I know he has a thing for me, but it’s not mutual. In the year I’ve known him, he hasn’t affected me cumulatively as much as this giant Eleadian man has in seconds.

Alarm bells go off in my head. Is he going to claim me? I’m probably hallucinating. It’s impossible to focus on the various voices.

“You can’t take her upstairs…”

“What are you doing?”

“She needs to stay on the gurney.”


The large Eleadian man speaks again. “Who are you? Why is there a woman here?”

“I’m Chrissy. I work here when the club isn’t open. What are you going to do with her?”

“Chrissy, it’s okay. Step out of the way.” I think that voice is John. Or maybe Zack. Not Thomas. I don’t know who Chrissy is. I don’t have the energy to turn my head her direction. It occurs to me she’s taking a risk working here. What if one of these men claimed her?

I’m aware that I’m being lifted. Strong arms ease under my knees and my shoulders. I wince for a moment, but for some reason, it doesn’t hurt like I suspected. I’m sweating with fever, but my racing heart calms as I’m cradled against this enormous man’s chest.

I’m wearing nothing more than a hospital gown, but the huge male tucks it under me as if he’s consciously trying to preserve my modesty. I appreciate the gesture. I don’t need Thomas, John, or the manager of Club Zoom to see my ass.

I let my head rest against the man’s chest, and we’re moving. Thomas is still arguing behind me, but the giant is ignoring everyone, leaving them behind.

A ping makes me glance around to see we’re in an elevator before closing my eyes again.

“Don’t worry, Little one. No one can come up this elevator without my permission and invitation.”

I don’t know why that’s comforting. I shouldn’t be relieved to know this huge man has whisked me off to be alone with him. But I am.

When the ping sounds again, I hear the elevator door open, and the man steps off. I open my eyes again. “Where are we?” I murmur.

“My flat,” he informs me. “You’re burning with fever, Little one. I’m a doctor. I’m going to examine you and help you feel better. Another doctor is coming from the mothership with some equipment to help me assess what’s wrong with you.”

“Dying,” I murmur as I snuggle closer to him. “Don’t care anymore.” I’m not kidding. I’m tired. My body is exhausted from fighting a fever for so many days. I really don’t care if I die, but I would like to know if Livy is okay.

He stiffens for a moment before holding me closer. His lips come to my forehead. He kisses me there. “You’re not going to die, Little one. Not on my watch.”