Page 56 of Screaming

I took advantage of the situation and latched onto her clit, ignoring how sensitive she must have been, how overwhelming it must have felt. If tonight was the last time, I’d damn well make sure I pulled every last sensation I could from her, until I drowned us both in pleasure.

Hera set her hand on the back of my head, as if to push me away, but someone else caught her wrist.

I expected it to be Brax, but when I glanced up, it was Deacon. He held her wrist gently but firmly, as it if were precious to him. The look was strange on Deacon’s face, like something I wasn’t meant to see.

It was one of the things about tonight that both terrified and reassured me. Seeing the others with Hera felt like a glimpse into their private worlds, into parts of them that they never showed anyone else.

And I was no different, was I? While the others knew about my incubus, about the need and hunger inside me, only Wade knew about how focused that need was on Hera. Doing this wasn’t just about Hera accepting us, but us accepting each other.

Deacon brought Hera’s wrist up and pressed a chaste kiss to her pulse, then dragged his tongue across her skin in a way that wasfarless chaste. In fact, despite me touching her in a far filthier way, something about the slow touch of Deacon’s tongue, the way his gaze locked with hers, damn near mademeblush.

And it certainly excited me, so I got back to work. I used my free hand to press between her thighs, to make her spread her legs for me, to open for me, then sank two of my fingers into her waiting cunt.

She squeezed around me, but I gave her no time to think or consider anything. Instead, I curled my fingers forward, searching her reactions, finding the perfect place as my lips sucked relentlessly on her clit.

I wanted to give her everything, to let her get entirely lost to pleasure, to the moment, tous.

So I used my extensive knowledge and skills, bringing it all to the forefront, letting my incubus feast and drive everyone else into the same frenzy that locked me.

We had a long night ahead of us, but I planned to get it started the right way, to drag the first orgasm of the night from Hera’s sexy body.

Sure enough, she shattered, unable to resist my touch for long. Her lips parted on a silent cry, her back arching forward, her eyes shut tight as each muscle of hers tensed. It reminded me yet again of just how much I loved this brave, smart, infuriatingly stubborn woman.

I pressed a kiss to her clit after pulling my fingers free of her clenching, wet pussy, smiling when she relaxed as if thinking we were finished.

“Oh, songbird,” I whispered to her, letting my warm breath tease her oversensitive body. “That’s the first of the night, butfarfrom the last. Let’s hope you can keep up.”


Sitting back and watching Hera lost to pleasure was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen. Sure, she felt amazing when I touched her, when I stroked over all that soft, sweat-soaked skin, but this had a charm all its own as well.

I hadn’t been kidding when I’d said I was too old to worry about jealousy. I knew exactly how long and empty life could be, had suffered loss due to it, so I didn’t mind people finding comfort where they could.

It meant that seeing Hera pinned between Brax and Knox excited me in a different way than touching her, but in a no less impactful way. Her cheeks were red, the flush and the want in her eyes showing how badly she needed our touch.

She truly was astounding, wasn’t she? How many women could stand on their own here, could face so many powerful shades without backing down? Not just here, either. She planned to face the Warden, to face the full might of Larkwood even though she had the chance to run to safety.

She prioritized the wellbeing of others over her own, and that drew me like nothing else.

She rested heavily against Brax as if her legs had weakened so much that she couldn’t hold herself up anymore. Brax’s strong arm wrapped around her, holding her against him, keeping her upright.

I let out a low groan at the sight, a desire to stroke myself surprising me. I thought I was beyond such things, beyond needing another in such an instinctual and powerful way.

Apparently not…

Hera opened her eyes and looked at me as if she could feel my need. Maybe she could because of our bond. Hera had managed to always do things differently, to never quite fit the rules and mold I had grown accustomed to. I would be arrogant to think I could predict her or her abilities anymore.

She ran her tongue across her bottom lip, the tease nearly enough to cause me to rise, to go over and take her into my arms, to bury myself inside her heat and feel warm for once.

Except, as it turned out, I didn’t need to do that. She moved toward me, no doubt feeling the same draw I did. Brax released her, though after her first step, she stumbled. It seemed her body was still thrown out of balance after her orgasm, and something about that excited me all the more.

I caught her easily, letting her fall against me on the couch, pulling her into my lap. She straddled me as if it were the most natural thing in the world, as if she knew exactly where she belonged.

And her being entirely naked while I still wore clothes created an imbalance I hated to admit enjoying. She probably felt my reaction, being in my lap and all, so admitting it wasn’t all that necessary.

Her lips found mine, the kiss quick and hungry, a sure sign she’d given up thinking or resisting or worrying. She acted on lust now, on the desires trapped inside her, and that was fine by me.

I ran my hands up her thighs, over her hips, to feel her waist. I teased her as I moved up farther, cupping her breasts, brushing the hard points of her nipples with my thumbs.