Page 11 of Screaming

Bowen’s smile dimmed, turning oddly kind. “No, I’m sorry. The damage is too great, and you’ve healed too much. I can’t do anything about that. I can only speed the natural healing processes, aiding a bit in what it can do on its own.” The sorrow in his voice surprised me, as if he really was sorry that he couldn’t do more.

So I shrugged, since it wasn’t his fault. I hadn’t even thought something like him could help, so I hadn’t had long to get my hopes up.

Soshi moved from behind me. “What is she?”

Bowen grinned at the girl, a sweet familiarity between the two. “A siren. They control sounds, can hear things others can’t and bend those sounds to their will. Rumor has it they can hypnotize others with their voice and even kill with just a song.”

“Why doesn’t she talk, then?”

Ouch.I reminded myself that children had no understanding of things that should and should not be said.

“Some monster maimed her. See the scar at her throat? She had her vocal cords cut. Judging from the jagged scar, I’d guess it wasn’t done as a medical procedure, though the scarring says she received help in the healing process.”

I nodded, to tell him he was right.

“Could we have helped her if we found her sooner?” Soshi asked.

“Perhaps. We can help the body heal, but some wounds are beyond even our powers.”

Our.I peered at Soshi.

Bowen chuckled. “Yes, Soshi is a brownie as well. She’s still young and untrained, but I suspect that given a few years, she’ll easily surpass me.”

“I will!” Soshi said, pulling her shoulders back. “I’m going to become a great brownie and help so many shades. You’ll see!”

I couldn’t stop my smile at her attitude, at the spunk she showed. It was so much better than when she’d cowered before. I much preferred her like this.

“I’m sure you will. Why don’t you go make sure everyone has food?”

Soshi puffed her chest out at the important task before taking off, leaving Bowen and I alone.

“So, you’re behind the upheaval from Larkwood?” He stared at me with a bit less friendliness than he’d had with Soshi in the room. It wasn’t outright hostility, but more caution at least.

I swallowed hard, wanting to deny it, but what was the point there? He’d seen my wristband—it wasn’t hard to make the leap that right after an escape happens, when a shade shows up with that wristband, they might have been involved.

So I nodded.

“Interesting that I haven’t seen your face on the news. Then again, I did hear some rumors about a search for a siren—I guess that means you, huh?”

I shrugged, my way of saying, “So it seems.”

“Normally I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. Staying alive for Level 4s has to do with flying under the radar. I don’t want or need the problems of harboring someone like you that Larkwood would bring down on us.”

I reached for my writing pad, only to find myself not wearing what I’d been in. Did that mean Bowen had changed me?

My cheeks heated at the thought, especially because I wore a sundress, something feminine and totally different than how I’d lived my last year.

He waved me off. “Feel free to use sign language. I won’t understand it, but it might help to visualize your thoughts more clearly so I can understand them. As long as you’re here, you’re considered one of those under my care. Oh, and don’t worry, I didn’t do anything while you were unconscious.”

“Then why did you change my clothes?”

“Because they were filthy? Plus, I need access to a wound to heal it, and you had scrapes and bruises all over you. You even managed a broken femur. Lucky for you, I’m a damned good brownie, and I patched you right up.”

That made me jump to my feet as it reminded me of something important I’d somehow forgotten.

Brax, Knox and Wade would be beside themselves with worry, and they were the types to cause problems when worried.

“How long have I been out?”