Page 61 of Whispers

And I was only too happy to do that. I scooted until I knelt close enough, then leaned in to drag my tongue along her clit. Hera jerked against my touch, but I did it again. I chased her as she moved, the strokes of my tongue less direct, but that didn’t seem to matter.

I lost myself to the feeling, to the moment. I licked her sweetness while she rode Knox, the room filled with heavy breathing, with the sounds of pleasure from Knox and me.

Hera shook, and I knew damn well it meant she was close. After just the one time I’d watched her come, I could spot the signs now. I almost felt bad, almost pulled back when I suspected the sensation overwhelmed her.

I didn’t, though. I wanted to be her everything, to push her beyond her limits, so I wrapped my hands around her hips to hold her still before locking my lips on her clit. I sucked hard, as Knox had told me to earlier. I might not have been strong like Brax, like Knox, but I was strong enough to keep her imprisoned for my touch.

It didn’t take more than a few moments to force her body into that abyss.

Knox took the moment to lift his hips since she’d stopped moving, probably chasing his own release, his own desire.

Hera came harder this time than the last. I couldn’t help the sadness at not hearing her cry out, not getting to savor the sound of her voice as the pleasure washed through her.

Knox released a sound darker than I’d heard before. His hand on her hip tightened, and they came at the same time, both drowning in their own feelings.

I let go of Hera’s clit, though I didn’t pull away. Instead, I softened the touch until I hardly brushed against her. Even when that wonderful limpness took over, when she leaned back against Knox fully exhausted, I didn’t stop.

I dragged my tongue along her wet folds and around where her pussy wrapped around Knox’s dick. I tasted both the softness of her body and the hardness of his, savoring that place where they met.

After a moment, Knox shifted enough so his softening cock slid free, giving me a view of where his cum leaked from her.

“Once more?” Knox whispered against Hera’s ear, drawing my gaze up.

Hera opened her eyes and stared down at me, locking me in place with her honest eyes. She reached for me despite the tiredness that hung on her, the welcome enough for a stinging in my eyes.

I didn’t deserve her—I didn’t deserve any of this. I’d spent so much of my life without acceptance, being hated and feared, and here she was, accepting all of me without reservation.

And I couldn’t turn that down.

I rose off my knees, swallowing hard as I slid down my sweats, ready to feel nothing but her and him against me. I leaned in over her, crowding her small, soft body as I placed my foot beside them on the couch for balance.

Knox grasped her hips, scooting her down a bit to make for a better angle. It was funny how nervous I’d been before, when I’d considered this moment, when I’d lain in bed at night and fantasized.Terror had mixed with desire as I’d worried about what to do, how to touch her, how to know if she enjoyed it, how not to hurt her.

Perhaps it was like skydiving. While it was terrifying to think about it, when actually there, when a person jumped, the fear ended. Likewise, now that I’d gotten here, instinct took over.

I grasped my cock and rubbed myself along her slit. She was drenched from her own pleasure, but also from Knox’s cum.

And why didn’t that bother me at all?

When the head of my cock brushed her clit, she yanked backward.

Knox’s laugh came out breathless. “After coming twice, she’s going to beverysensitive. It’s why I thought it was good for you to go last, to enjoy the way she’sgoing to squeeze down around you, the way she’ll struggle.”

I swallowed hard at his words, at how right he was even if I didn’t want to admit it. It also took the stress off me about performance.

She shut down my brain, my questions, my worries. I pressed forward, letting out what was probably a pathetic groan as I sank into the snug grip of her pussy. She took me easily, almost feeling as if she pulled me in.

At least, that was how her cunt felt. Just as Knox had said, the rest of her went wild. She shifted, her breath sawing in and out of her chest in rough and rapid panting. Even so, she didn’t reject me, didn’t push me away. She wrapped the arm not behind Knox’s neck around me, pulling me closer, letting me rest against her and trap her between Knox and myself.

It was perfect.

The heat and tightness of her pussy drove me mad, especially because each time I moved at all, she squeezed around me in a snug grip that made the sensations all the better.

I didn’t worry about skill or finesse, not then. I refused to let myself get lost in the worry about pleasing her and gave myself over to instinct. It seemed even I had it, as I set a hard pace, plunging as deep as I could, getting as close as possible.

“I had no idea,” I muttered, mostly to myself.

A grasp to my chin tilted my head up. Something warm and wet touched my lips.A tongue?It teased around my mouth, and it took a moment to realize it was licking the wetness from my face.