Page 58 of Whispers

As much as I craved drowning in her, I broke the kiss. We had too many things I wanted to do to her, too many things I’d looked forward to, that I’d imagined.

“How long will this work?” I asked Wade, the question so obvious it surprised me that I hadn’t asked before. Maybe a part of me had doubted it would work, hadn’t been willing to really trust it.

“Since I didn’t pull the power away roughly, it won’t last long. Maybe a few minutes? It means we’ll have to continue to touch during to make sure it keeps going.”

“You can’t make it last longer?”

“The more I yank, the worse the reaction is. That’s how I end up making others pass out, when it takes days to recover. It’s the difference between poking a tiny hole in a bucket or just turning it over. Stealing power on purpose will last longer, but it would hurt, and you wouldn’t be all that useful in the state you’d end up in.”

I pressed my lips together, not caring for the answer. Honestly, there had been a part of me that had wondered if Wade would have been able to silence my incubus longer, if, in the future, he could have given me peace so I could be with Hera alone, just her and I without my darker urges.

I pushed away the disappointment and questions. Thinking about that would only hurt me now, only cause me to ruin the time I was lucky enough to have. Worse, I didn’t want Hera to notice my upset, to risk her feeling guilty.

Besides, it wasn’t as if I hadn’t had sex with men plenty of times, so one being involved while I had Hera, touching one during, was hardly some new thing.Having that with Wade made it even less bothersome.

I pulled away from Hera so I could remove her shirt. I wanted to see all of her, to enjoy the sight of her naked body, to savor it. Wade took that moment to remove his own shirt, then took off his other glove. Hera reached for my shirt, looking as greedy as I felt.

It seemed she wanted this as much as I did. The fact that she even looked at me when Wade seemed to have a draw made me worry I’d blush.

Which was odd.

I wasn’t some virgin who would react just to the sight of someone else. How many perverted things had I done? As an incubus, I changed into what my partner wanted, into their dream object. That meant sometimes I was the sweet boyfriend and other times I was a twisted, dominant being who humiliated the person I was with.

So how could she make me feel so…inexperienced?

And excited?

It was an odd feeling, one I wasn’t sure what to do with beyond leaning in and pressing a kiss to Hera’s collarbone.

I acted on my own instinct and desires rather than those of my other side. I didn’t use my abilities to figure out what she wanted, to do as she pleased, to become what she wanted. It was the first time I got to enjoy, to do as I wanted as my own person.

Hell, I wasn’t sure what I even liked.

I like this…The thought floated into my head as I moved my lips to her left breast, as I traced my tongue along the edge of her nipple, tattooing the sight and feeling to my heart. I never wanted to forget a moment of this.

Not just the look or feeling, but the chance to feel like a man with a woman he loved rather than the monster with a meal I normally felt like.

Wade set his hand on my shoulder, the touch making me jump. How I could so quickly forget about him was almost embarrassing, how Hera distracted me.

He let out an amused chuckle.

But it reminded me that this wasn’t just about me. I pulled back and turned my gaze to Wade. “Why don’t you kneel here?” I gestured at the floor in front of Hera.

Redness covered Wade’s cheeks. I didn’t need my powers to tell that he was just as aroused as he was embarrassed by the idea. Still, he lowered himself to his knees right where I’d instructed.

“She’s still overdressed, and it’s keeping you from your goal, isn’t it?”

Wade nodded, his eyes clouded over. I hated to admit it, but I was pretty sure I enjoyed this. I enjoyed telling him what to do, seeing the flush on his cheeks, the slight tremble to his hands as he reached for the waist of her sweats.

I didn’t bother to wonder why—I just accepted it.

Hera lifted her hips to let Wade drag her sweats down her legs, taking her underwear with them. He worked them off her, freeing them from each of her feet, then tossed the clothing away.

His gaze locked onto her knees, since she’d pinned her thighs together. The moment of shyness charmed me, reminded me that Hera was sexy and sensual, but she wasn’t fake. She wasn’t someone who played this like some game. Instead, she was just a real person who wanted to be closer to those who mattered to her.That did more to me than any seductive ploy would have.

“Set your hands on her knees and press them open slowly.”

Wade did so, curling his thumbs into the insides of her knees. He wasn’t Brax, didn’t have incredible strength, couldn’t just yank her thighs open. It was better this way, though. His touch was a request, and Hera only shivered for a moment before obeying.