Page 57 of Whispers

“I don’t think she needs to really answer,” Wade said with a laugh, “given that blush.”

“That’snothingcompared to her scent. Trust me, she’s on board with the plan.”

I swallowed hard, trying not to let myself get carried away.“Are you sure? I don’t want you to change yourself for me. I don’t need that,”I directed at Knox.

He came over to sit beside me and brushed his lips to mine in the same featherlight kiss he tended to give me, the type he felt like he could pull away from afterward, that wouldn’t make him lose control. As always, he broke it almost immediately. “I want to change me. It isn’t about you, not exactly. I didn’t agree because I was afraid of how you’d react—I did it because I wanted to, for me. I want to have you and not worry, not have to keep myself in control, to hold back. With Wade here, I won’t need to. It’ll just be you and me.”

“And me,” Wade chimed in as if we’d forgotten him. “I know I’m not a stud muffin or anything, but I have feelings.”

The words drew a look from Knox and me, and after a moment, we both laughed. That was part of what Iadored about Wade, the way he could change the entire vibe of a room, the way he could wipe out the stress, how he could make me smile no matter what.

And that was what sealed the choice for me.

Was I nervous? Sure. Sleeping with one man could be overwhelming enough, but it was nothing compared with two men…

Still, that wouldn’t stop me. After everything I’d been through, everything I’d survived and worked toward, I couldn’t let this scare me off.

So I nodded as I set a hand on each of their thighs.

I was more than willing to have sex with Wade and Knox, even if it killed me.


I didn’t think I’d ever had a moment ofnow whatlike this during sex. Given I hadn’t had sex until I’d become an incubus, I’d never gone through the worry, the questioning about what to do and how.

Instead, my incubus had guided me, an innate instinct for how to please a partner, for what they craved, for how to chase all their little reactions.

Hell, I hadn’t even had to do much given how my pheromones and draw worked. Beyond that, thanks to my incubus, I changed based on my partner, became whatever they wanted.

Which made me unusually uncertain as I sat beside Hera, her hand on my leg, her having agreed to Wade’s and my plan.

“First things first…” I muttered and looked toward Wade. I didn’t want to get started until we’d done the most important thing, until we’d put my other side to sleep.

I didn’t trust myself to even try before that, because I had no idea how my instincts might react. I desired Hera with a strength I’d never experienced before.

Wade nodded and pulled off his gloves. It made me realize how rarely I saw any of the other man. He was careful to remain covered, to prevent even the accidental brush of his skin against another. The clothing was so much a part of him I didn’t even notice it anymore.

That couldn’t have been easy. I recalled how I hid away when hungry and tried to picture keeping that sort of distance up all the time. It had to be even harder because of Wade’s personality, the fact that he seemed like a puppy who would have been happy to curl up on someone’s lap in bliss if he could. Instead of that, however, he’d been forced to cut himself off from everyone around him.

“Don’t be so nervous,” he said, the barb no doubt meant to distract me.

“Yeah, well, I’ve seen what this can do to others. Sorry if I’m not all that thrilled about the idea of ending up the same way.”

“If I knocked you out, that would defeat my purpose, wouldn’t it? You wouldn’t be that useful in that condition.”

I narrowed my eyes but held my hand out in offering. We needed to get it over with so I didn’t have to worry anymore.

Wade wrapped his hand around my wrist. The sensation hit me immediately, like being dunked under cold water. I tried to yank back, but he kept his hold. It felt like someone had pulled a plug inside me, as if a part of me swirled down a drain and poured out of me and into Wade.

He shuddered, as if the transfer did something to him as well. Then again, I’d seen him use the powers of others after he stole them. It wasn’t complete, it wasn’t like he became an incubus, but he no doubt could feel that hunger, that desire.

And staring at him, Isawthe draw. I hadn’t spent time around others of my type, so I’d never experienced the pull of an incubus. I got a small taste at that moment, though. Even though I’d never felt attracted to a man before—at least not real attraction that came from me—I felt it then. I wanted to touch him, to feel him.

I shook my head to clear that away. If anyone understood how that power could twist a person, could make them think they wanted things they didn’t, it was me.

Instead, I used the change to turn toward Hera and take her lips in a deep kiss. It was what I’d wanted but had denied myself, the ability to feel her lips against mine, to slip my tongue into her, to taste her very breath without worrying I’d lose control.

She gasped in surprise, but just as quickly, she returned the kiss and even took more. Was she really this ravenous for me? This desperate for me? Not just my incubus, butme?