Nikki stood in the middle of the room and studied the sketches London left scattered on the floor. “This isn’t for one of ours, is it?”

“No. I couldn’t sleep last night, so I did some drawing.”

Nikki squatted and picked one up, set it aside, then picked up another. “So who’s the dude?”


“You have dick on the brain.”

“What are you talking about?”

Nikki set the pages side-by-side. “You stayed up all night drawing the same dude. But is he butt ugly? You didn’t draw his face once.” She snickered and sat on the floor.

“What are you talking about?” London stood and took in the sketches from Nikki’s perspective. She’d known she spent the night drawing men, but now that Nikki pointed it out, London realized she’d drawn Ezra. She took a long drink of coffee to hide her acknowledgment.

“Who is he?”

“I was just sketching.”

“The same guy repeatedly. Is he what’s got you messed up?”

“Dude, I did not get enough sleep to follow anything you’re saying.”

“I’m here because Audrey and I both noticed that you seem off your game. Like something’s bothering you. Is it him?”

London sighed and sat on the floor beside Nikki. “No. To be honest, this is the glassblower guy.”

“Beefy arms. I never took you for an arm girl.”

“I never thought I was either until I saw him working with molten glass, sleeves rolled up, defined muscles.” She was getting warm thinking about it again.

“So you’ve got the hots for the glass guy. What’s the problem?”

“He’s not interested.”

“Okay. So fuck him. We’ll find you another pair of sexy arms that are interested.”

London didn’t know how to explain that Ezra’s lack of interest wasn’t what was messing with her. She sighed again, feeling the self-pity pretty damn deep. “Another guy isn’t going to fix this. It’s my problem. I’ll figure it out.”

“We need you on the team.”

“The art will be done. No worries.”

“I’m not talking about the art. I’m talking about you. The last few times we’ve met, you’ve been distant. You’re usually the one all up in our business pointing shit out to us.”

London smiled. “You guys have your stuff together. You’re all in love and—”

“Don’t say you feel like a third wheel.”

“More like a fifth. Or seventh if you include Mia and Logan. We started this venture almost six months ago and were all these solo people.”

“But now we’re a team.” Nikki scrunched up her nose. “No. More like family.”

London offered a teary smile.

“Ah, hell, no. You can’t start crying. Let’s go back to talking about hot glass guy. Should I go beat him up?”

London blinked to clear her eyes and laughed. “He didn’t do anything wrong. He’s got his thing and he doesn’t think I’m a serious artist.”