Nikki handed her another glass of champagne. “Drink up.”

She gulped the champagne and pulled out her phone as they headed to the door. It was still early enough that Ezra might be willing to make the trek to her.

Just left the party. I should be home within 30 if you’re still up. Or we can meet at a bar or something

I’m up. I’ll come to you.

See you soon.

“Who are you texting that has you smiling like that?” Nikki asked.

“Ezra. We had plans that I had to postpone because of this.”

“Is this hot glass guy?”


The car pulled up in front of the house and they got in.

“So this is a thing?”

“Not a thing. A hookup. Kind of. I like him, but I told him I’m not looking for a relationship or anything serious. So, we’re gonna have some fun.”

“That was a long explanation for a booty call. You sure it’s not more?”

“No. What else could it be? We’ve known each other like a couple of weeks.”

Nikki shrugged. “You seem pretty into him. That’s all I’m saying.”

London shook her head. She wasnotgetting hung up on a guy she barely knew.

Ezra had spentthe day working on pieces that would go in the store for holiday gifts. Bronte had gotten home and tried grilling him on what happened with London. He simply said they had plans to go out tonight. His sister seemed a little giddy over him getting a date. He wasn’t sure what that said about his dating life, but it wasn’t good.

And then London canceled. He tried not to read too much into it. Shit came up all the time. He’d worked past dinner and then decided to just go home. He showered and had pretty much given up on London, so he considered his food options. Because he hadn’t gone grocery shopping, he didn’t have much, so peanut butter and jelly it was.

Just as he was about to turn on the TV, his phone buzzed with a text from London inviting him over. Before he could think twice, he grabbed his keys and headed out.

As he drove through the mostly clear streets of the city, he considered why he was doing this. It wasn’t like he couldn’t get laid. Even with as much of a hermit as he was, he knew how to go out and meet women. But there was something about London that continuously tugged at him.

She was almost always smiling. Even when she was frustrated that the glass wasn’t cooperating. Her energy matched Bronte’s, but in his sister, he found it kind of annoying. London made him want to lean in and smile with her.

Which was its own kind of irritating. In general, women didn’t have that effect on him. London was intriguing, though. Even though it was Saturday night, there was minimal traffic, so he made good time. She’d mentioned that she lived in a big loft. He slowed to a crawl on her block. Parking on the street was nonexistent.

His phone bleeped with another text from London letting him know there was visitor parking in the lot behind the building. He turned the corner and found a spot. Then, he called her.

“Hey, I’ll be pulling up front in a minute. How far are you?” she asked.

“I just parked.”

“Wow. You made good time. Hang tight.”

“I’ll meet you out front.”

“See you soon.”

He climbed out and locked up his car and walked down the side of the building to get to the front. He huddled into his coat against the cold and questioned his sanity for saying he’d wait out here. But then a car pulled up.

When the door opened and London stepped out, his tongue nearly hit the street. The dress she wore was gold and shimmery and slid over her curves like water. When her eyes met his, her whole face lit up. He crossed the space between them to offer her a hand over the slick sidewalk.