“These are the newer ones,” Audrey explained. “When you did the first job with us, luring the dog through the yard, you had to press the button for us to hear you talk. This is automatic.”

Nikki leaned between the front seats and eyed her and Wade. “That means I can hear everything between you. Everything,” she added with a menacing smile.

“Are you serious? I would never make a move on your boyfriend.”

Nikki burst out laughing. “I’m just fucking with you.” Then she sat back and straightened her wig and uniform. “Let’s do this.”

The nervous flutters in London’s stomach multiplied as she watched Nikki walk toward the building.

“Crew just went up in the elevator. I’m going in.”

London continued to stare in the direction Nikki had walked. Audrey nudged her arm. “That’s your cue to head out. You need to get in a minute or so after her.”

“You got this,” Wade said. “I’ll be right behind you.”

As she walked toward the building, London mussed her hair a little and rotated her shoulders to loosen her muscles. A tipsy woman would be relaxed. A cold wind whipped by and her whole body shivered. She really wished she’d worn a coat. The guys were in for a full view of her nipples standing at attention in the thin dress. She rubbed her arms and waited. In her ear, she heard Nikki chatting with the guard. She sounded really worried. Damn, she was good.

London stumbled through the revolving door and marched toward the bank of elevators, trying to hide how cold she was.

“Excuse me, miss.”

London spun on her heel and wobbled. The guard reached out and grabbed her elbow to steady her.

She yanked her arm away. “You can’t protect him. I’m going to catch him.Meet me for drinks, babe. Sorry, I’m running late, but I’ll be there, just wait for me.” She poked a finger in the air. “And I’m just stupid enough to wait!”

“Ma’am, who are you here to see? The offices are all empty. The workday is done.”

“Psh. That’s what he wants you to think. He’s probably up there boning her right now.”

“Can I...” Nikki said.

One guard waved her to the elevator. Mission accomplished.

“I’m done with his lies. You have to let me catch him.”

“Miss, please calm down. Who are you looking for?”

“Benedict Winslow.”

Nikki snickered in her ear. “Nice name.”

The guards looked at each other. One sat in front of the computer and typed away.

Just then, from behind her, Wade called, “Babe.”

She turned around, holding the counter for support. “Bennie?”

“I’ve been looking all over for you. I went to the bar and you weren’t there.” He crossed the room and reached for her.

“You said you were coming and then you weren’t there, and I thought—” She hiccupped and swallowed fake tears.

Wade took off his coat and wrapped it around London’s shoulders. The warmth seeped into her chilled skin. He led her away from the guards and told her to wait a minute. He slid some money on the counter for the guards. “I’m sorry about this. Whenever she has too much to drink, she thinks I’m cheating on her. I don’t even work here. Her father—a serial cheater—worked here. Sorry for the trouble.”

“No worries,” one guard said. Then he called a little louder. “Are you okay, miss? Would you like us to call you a car?”

“No. Thank you. Benny’s here now.” She waved at them and blinked away the tears filling her eyes as she looked over at Wade in adoration.

Wade guided them through the door. On the street, he said, “Benny? Really?”