Page 47 of War of the Mazza

“Da…” A smaller hooded figure stepped forward. She yanked down her hood, then dropped to her knees in front of the fallen body. “Da—” She choked out through a sob.

Still, we watched.

Rainer wiped his brow with a handkerchief, not plussed at all that a wailing child was at his feet mourning her father.

“You did this,” she murmured. “You killed my Da out of greed and pettiness.” Her voice was thick with emotion, barely understandable as she pushed to her feet. She stumbled, like she’d had too many drinks, but when she finally stood tall, she unclasped the hook at the neck and whipped the cloak off.

A young woman, not a child.

She braced her feet and raised her hands. “Tell me the truth, Janer scum.” Her voice boomed as if she were yelling down from the sky. “Why did you kill my Da?”

Her hands glowed a soft lavender and her hair started to float around her head. An intense wave of power settled over the field as she stretched her hands toward Rainer.

He gasped, showing his teeth as he tried to back away. But Rainer didn’t move, he couldn’t. His feet were glued to the ground even as he twisted his body back and forth, seeming to try and work himself free from her spell.

Then words spilled from his lips in a rush. “He was questioning my authority. I need to take the Earth Realm. He was…wasting my time.”

“Wasting your time…” She nodded absently like she could almost get behind him. “He brought you men, supported your cause, and took care of his people. He was beloved, and yet he wasted your time.” Her voice lost some of its power, yet her hands remained upraised. “I am here for another reason. You’ve just sped up my timeline.”

She closed her fists, and then Rainer yelled out seconds before he crumpled to the ground. Blood dripped from his nose and his body remained unnaturally still.

“Is he…” Jari started.

“I think so.” I darted my gaze to Rand, who stared at his father with a blank expression.

We crowded around Rand, trying to be inconspicuous about what we were doing. It wouldn’t have mattered. Now that Rainer was gone, none of the hooded people came toward us. They all went on one knee and bowed their heads.

It was either respect for the girl, or Grino. Either way, they were currently no threat to us.

The girl turned and wiped tears from her eyes as she picked up her cloak and laid it over the body and head. Her movements were slow as she said a closed eye prayer before facing us.

Silver hair fell around her shoulders and her blue eyes glistened. Her small mouth pinched in distress, but she held in all other emotion.

“I hear you are the Mazza.” Her voice was so sweet and soft now, achingly different from the voice that had just assaulted Rainer.

“I am.” I cleared my throat. “These are some of my mates.” I motioned to each of the guys who dipped their head in greeting. Except Rand, he continued to stare at Rainer.

She stepped closer and I sucked in a breath as the light from the closest torch fell over her face. A mark, similar to my own, was on her chin. The girl tipped her head back allowing us to see it more clearly.

“I am a Mazza too. My father was testing out Rainer to see where I would be the safest.” She stopped and bowed her head.

This poor, poor girl. She lost her father, killed a man, and now was left with strangers. Well, maybe not. The people around us were still kneeled. They would take care of her.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“Fifteen. My Da didn’t want me to take mates for at least three more years. He was trying to make it safe for me to do that.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Don’t be.” Her face hardened. “I knew Rainer was a bad man. I planned to stop his invasion of Earth anyway. Now, my people and I will be able to finish the job without his interference.” She excused herself and her people rose from the ground. A few seemed to crowd her to take orders.

“Should we let her go off on her own? She’s just a baby.” I couldn’t help but think she was in danger being so young.

“She just took down Rainer without batting an eye. She’s okay,” Sage said in a hushed voice. “The Earth realm will be no issue for her or her people. The more pressing question is, why is another Mazza popping up?”

“Does it have to mean anything?”Jari whispered back.

“I have no idea. I need somewhere to come down from that adrenaline rush.” I pressed my hand to my chest as it pounded furiously against my breastbone.