Page 19 of War of the Mazza

“Shh,” Egil whispered as he laid a hand on the back of Egan’s neck and pulled him into his chest. “You’re not taking anyone away from them. But I want my girls to live a long happy life. I’m willing to sacrifice mine to ensure that. They understand this is the way of the realms. Don’t you?”

Eyes misting over, Egan nodded, then threw his arms around his dad.

“We’re here!” Cabbie slid to a stop, wearing shiny combat boots and coming in about five inches shorter than his usual stature, which was still crazy tall.

Hordes of barely dressed Cherries surrounded him in a seductive formation as they arched their backs, stuck out their chests and whipped their ponytails around.

Only fools would see them as a non-issue. We knew different. They’d saved our lives more than once. I was glad to see the Mannos focused on Yunez and the other Commanders instead of the deadly seductresses. Now that shit was about to hit the fan, they were focused and refused to be distracted.

Pride warmed my chest as I glanced around my people, both Cherries and Mannos. Yunez had done well training his men and hand picking his leaders. And I’d always be grateful to Cabbie and the Cherries.

Batse stepped away from the commanders and whistled sharply. His gaze trained to the sky, he closed the short distance between us.

“The commanders and I have been working on a project for decades. We didn’t tell you Yunez, because we didn’t want to get your hopes up. But if we succeeded, this would just be another ace in our pockets. And I’m proud to say, we’ve succeeded.

“We could have filled you in a decade ago, but by then, we had been keeping this secret for so long, it became almost a point of pride, that we’d be able to surprise you when you needed it the most. And I’d say you need some good news right about now, no?”

A hint of a smile flirted with his lips as he watched the billowing white clouds in the distance. When he dropped his attention back to us, he grinned.

I didn’t see anything to grin about. Was he bringing in airplanes? I thought that kind of technology didn’t work in Fennina?

“You didn’t,” Yunez breathed as a wonderous, boyish grin transformed his features into the sexy, mischievous man I’d first met. “How did you keep it a secret for so long?”

“We learned blocking from you. Although it’s nothing of the scale you need for war, or that the other Mazza and her harem achieved, we’re proud. And this was a way for us to practice our skills while bringing something unique to the cause,” Batse shrugged, still smiling.

Just then, several large containers dipped out of the clouds, attached to ropes. The carriers hidden.

“No! You didn’t?” Egan whooped, clearly having a strong suspicion on what they did.

“Holy shit,” Sage and Nato breathed together. Then they started jumping and hugging each other in a rare show of enthusiasm.

Sage stopped and turned to us with his arms still around a grinning Nato. “I’ve never actually seen one in real life before. They were tales told to wayward Janer boys to keep us in line.”

“Not just Janer boys. Pretty much all Fennin children.” Jari sounded no less impressed as suddenly a dozen dragons dropped out of the sky.

They were…gorgeous. Majestic.

Shiny scales of iridescent midnight colors glistened under the Fennin sun. Call me Daenerys because I was about to have my own dragon, bitch.

“What the ever loving hell?” I shouted as I gaped as yet another five cleared the clouds without any kind of containers. Were those containers what I thought they were? “Dragons are real? Why wasn’t that part of the initiation into the Mazza club? The first thing you told me was that I wasn’t human. The very next thing should have been that dragons are fucking real,” I huffed.

Batse and Yunez laughed, the sound light and filled with excitement. Soon, all the commanders and many of the Mannos were laughing and shouting their own versions of battle calls.

Mannos scattered right as the containers dropped with a ground shaking thud. The dragons landed around them, the ropes from their harnesses curling.

They were without a doubt, the most beautiful creatures I’d ever seen. Up close, the midnight scales were actually made up of greens, yellows, and blues. Their eyes were a fiery yellow, blazing from within.

A few of the dragons huffed small bits of fire from their noses, unbothered by all the attention they’d gathered. A few more preened and stretched their necks, feeling every bit as beautiful as the awed looks on our faces suggested. Even the usually unbothered Cherries were caught offguard.

“Does this mean there are dragons on Earth?” I whispered, approaching one of the dragons that didn’t have a harness. Or at least not one attached to the shipping containers.

“No, when the Fennins separated from Earth, the dragons came with them, but they weren’t friends, not even allies. The dragons knew they wouldn’t survive long with the way the world was going and decided to take their chances in the realms. They’re intelligent beings that have never been interested in the politics of Fennins or Humans,” Yunez filled me in as he stepped up next to me.

We both desperately wanted to get closer to the dragons, but if he was thinking like me, I was afraid I’d be a snack rather than getting a pet. But if not friend, why friend shaped?

“We’ve never been able to approach them. How did you do it?” Yunez looked to Batse.

The young commander blushed and his smile widened. “Many, many years of bribery and treats. They promised to help us when we needed it, but they won’t engage in the battle. However, they will help get us there.”