“I tutored Astrid just like I said I would. We were discussing a photo when you came out. I used the time during school with her to work on her art. She presented and won the scholarship. Is this something you’re really going to pursue when there are just a couple weeks left for her in school?”
Mr. Music puffed up his chest before he deflated with a long sigh. His gaze traveled between Astrid and me as a million things were probably going through his head. I mentally crossed my fingers he wouldn’t make a big deal out of this. Not when I was done this weekend, and Astrid only had a short time before she was done with school too.
“You’ve never had an issue with Astrid, have you? Hasn’t she turned in her assignments on time, even the independent projects you’ve assigned her? To the best of her ability?” I shook my head once. “This isn’t a fling. This isn’t the results of a forbidden romance. We love each other. Maybe that seems silly to you because we’re still in school and college, but we do. Our being together was inevitable. It just happened while she was a student rather than when she graduated.”
He shot another long look at Astrid before nodding. “Fine. I won’t file this complaint with the school. But I will be telling Dan. And don’t think about teaching at any high schools. If I hear that you’re applying anywhere, I’ll make sure this situation is known.” He started to pivot on his heel then stopped. “It goes without saying that you need to leave. You’re not welcome on school property again.”
Astrid and I watched him stomp across the yard to the side entrance.
I wrapped my arms around her trembling body and pressed a kiss to forehead, because why not? We were already caught. “Are you okay?”
“I feel…I don’t know. Watching people be mean to Rhys makes me so angry, I want to stomp on all their faces.”
“Brutal,” I said through a relieved grin.
She smiled wryly up at me. “I know, from me. But just now, I felt like I’d really done something wrong. I didn’t like the way it felt. At least with my parents, I knew their anger was unwarranted. I usually felt justified in hating them for being unfair and neglectful.”
“Hey,” I tipped her chin up. “Was starting our relationship wrong while you were a student? No. I don’t think so. We could have waited, but what I said to Mr. Music is true. I’m not paid to be here, and you are over eighteen. Plus, I served my purpose. What we have isn't wrong, even if it flirts with crossing the line on their rules. But even if it did, I have no regrets. You?”
“No.” Her hands gripped my shirt at my sides. “No regrets. You guys have been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Good.” The echo of the bell reached us. “That’s my cue to go. Let me know if he gives you any trouble, okay?”
“Okay.” She hugged me goodbye.
“He never said why he was looking for you, did he?” I asked.
Her brow furrowed. “No, he didn’t.”
“You’re okay?” I asked Thatcher over the line after he just recounted what happened at school today.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. I don’t have to see Mr. Music ever again, and teaching wasn’t ever one of my top career choices anyway. More of a last ditch backup plan. The idea of teaching thirty snot nosed kids every hour sounds as fun as putting icy hot on my asshole. I did give Dan a heads up though…”
“And?” Thatcher hadn't ever really spoken about the professor he worked for. Now that I think of it, I can’t remember a time he’d brought him up at all, except when he shared how he met Astrid.
A harsh breath blew in my ear. “He wasn’t thrilled. But Astrid is eighteen, and I’m graduating this weekend. So, what can he do? Dan was more disappointed than anything, but when I told him Astrid is it for me, he settled down some.” He chuckled. “He’s a romantic at heart. And I think he secretly enjoyed he made that connection for me. Mr. Music just has a more…intense outlook since he teaches minors.” He paused, then said, “How’s Astrid? I called to check on her. She seemed okay when I left, but…I wanted to make sure.”
I walked into the living room where Beck and Astrid were cuddled on the couch working on her laptop.
“Okay, we have fifteen drafts to post periodically. I’ve already titled and hash tagged them. Videos are also posted on your website, along with a link to a Merch store.” Astrid ran down the list of things she’d been working on for Beck.
“Wait, a Merch store? What Merch?” He brought his face close to her screen.
“Ryan made a few logos that I put on a variety of things like T-shirts, ChapSticks, keychains with bottle openers. Things like that.”
This, I had to see. Beck had Merch?
“You think people really want that stuff?” Beck asked in an awed tone.
“Oh yeah, you’ve already made like two hundred in profit, and I posted the link on the website last night.”
“Hold on,” I told Thatcher as I bent over the back of the couch to see these logos.
Wow. “Ryan did this?” I knew he was in art class with Astrid, but I didn’t realize he had actual talent.
“He did.” She beamed up at me over the back of the couch. My gaze caught on her lips, the way her long lashes fanned over her cheeks when she dropped her gaze. Astrid hadn’t realized I would be so close.