“Shut the fuck up,” I said good-naturedly and pushed him out the door. “This is my first date with Astrid. I’m allowed to be a little nervous.”
“Yeah, but not so much that I question your sanity. You take too much on your plate. At some point, you’re going to crack. I’d really hate for it to be right before you pick Astrid up. Don’t make me be the one to break it to her.” He shook his head as he walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge. “I can’t believe my baby brother’s growing up.” When he came back, he set his bottle on the coffee table and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “Let me take a picture. Document the moment…for Astrid.” He grinned.
Groaning, I scratched the side of my head. “You’re an asshole.” I dropped my hand to let him take the picture. I even smiled, because he was right. Astrid would love to have this documented. I might ask Rhys to take a picture of us together.
Astrid would like that.
Hell, I would love that. I might get it framed and put it on my nightstand.
The flash went off on his phone, momentarily blinding me, then he tapped on his phone. Probably sending it to the group chat.
“You good, now?” I asked.
“Yup, yup.” He grinned and ushered me toward the door. “Have fun. No glove, no love. Make sure to open her doors, kiss her good night. Oh! And hold her hand. She likes that.”
Then he slammed the door in my face once I was on the other side.
I laughed. Did he really believe I needed dating advice? I probably knew how to date better than he did, with the exception of the last few months experience he had with Astrid.
I might not have really dated, but I saw enough of it through school and watching the power couples. Astrid was the people watcher, but I watched enough to know what made them work or ultimately break up.
Once I was in the car, I glanced at my phone. There it was, a picture of me grinning by the front door.
Thatcher: I’m watching you. Gentlemanly behavior only.
I snorted. Like he exhibited gentlemanly behavior all the time? Beck told me how Astrid had met him.
Rhys: She’s ready and excited. Though she’s trying not to show it as she waits on the couch.
Shit, she was already ready? Wasn’t I supposed to be the one doing the waiting?
It was only three o’clock on a Saturday afternoon, and thankfully there was barely any traffic. After I’d checked in with the front office of the helicopter rides, I’d put our date off until we could leave at a decently early time.
My goal was to see the sunset from the helicopter. You couldn’t do that if you get out of school after three, then need to go home and get changed and whatever else Astrid needed to do before a date. Although, she wasn’t a fussy girl. There was a chance she could have been ready in time to still catch it.
That wasn’t a chance I was willing to take, so why rush?
I wanted our first date together to be memorable, for better reasons than I picked her up while her hair was still wet.
Making record time, I whipped into Rhys’ driveway, and parked by his Rover. It dawned on me, only when I knocked on the door, that Thatcher’s car was on the other side of Astrid’s.
Shit. I should have gotten flowers. A helicopter ride was enough, right?
I could show her my tattoo I’d gotten for her later. It was finished now.
Except…No. I didn’t want to show her until we were further along in our relationship.
“Well, hello there young man.” Thatcher swung the door open and grinned down at me on the step.
“Thatcher,” I deadpanned.
“Come on in. Don’t mind me and Rhys. We’ve just been cleaning our guns.” He turned and left me to come in as he strode over to the kitchen table. Where there were in fact nerf and water guns.
He took a seat next to Rhys, who had his arms crossed, fighting a smile. I was surprised Rhys let Thatcher talk him into this. He was more of the strong, silent type. Yes, he laughed, but not at this kind of slap stick humor.
Although, I could be making it into something it’s not, because my face was burning.
I’d never picked a girl up from her house before, and I didn’t think Astrid had ever been picked up either. Was this them trying to give us that experience?