“Thanks, Ryan.” I couldn’t contain the beaming smile that had taken over my face as soon as we stepped through the doors. We did it.
We really did it.
“It’s not like I won’t see you in Denver,” I started, but his face fell. “What?”
“I haven’t told you, but…I decided to accept a scholarship for a school in Cali. Their fashion programs are better than Colorado, ya know?” He dropped his gaze.
“Don’t be ridiculous, this is great! I’m glad you’re able to follow what you want to do!” I gripped his shoulders.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s not like we can’t FaceTime and all that.”
“Right.” We were both grinning again.
“Hey, can we steal Astrid for a sec?” Angel slid an arm around my shoulders.
“Yeah, sure. I’m only the bestie, but whatever.” Ryan grinned while giving Angel shit.
“I’ll bring her right back, I promise.” He steered me toward the back. Where were the guys? They were nowhere to be found as he entered the dark hallway.
Then I heard their voices as we approached the office.
“This isn’t weird or suspicious at all,” Beck said as his gaze narrowed on Angel’s arm.
“Stop being dramatic.” Graves popped Beck on the back of the head. “We brought you guys here for an opportunity.”
I had no idea what to say, and apparently neither did the guys.
“Don’t all speak at once.” Angel deposited me into Jonah’s arms as he joined his dad by the desk. “Aren’t you even a little curious what it’s for?”
“Okay, you piqued my interest. What’s the opportunity?” Jonah asked as he pulled my back to his chest.
“It’s a great chance to do something different. But I don’t know if you all are ready for it.” Graves shook his head like he was reconsidering this mystical offer. “I don’t know, Angel. They’re probably already too set in their plans.”
Now I was really curious.
“I think you’re right, Dad.” Angel pulled his hair back into a low ponytail as he nodded.
“Okay, you bastards. What’s the offer?” Beck growled good-naturedly as a glint entered his eyes.
“We’re opening a store in Vegas. It would be helpful to have some people man it that are familiar with our systems and processes.” Graves let that linger in the air.
Again, crickets.
“What about college?” Jonah was the first to break out of our stupefied spell.
Graves shrugged. “That’s for you to work out. There are colleges in Vegas. Or you could do that thing, what’s it called?” He looked to Angel.
“A gap year.”
He snapped his fingers. “That’s it! A gap year. Then figure out where you want to go.”
“We need somewhere to live now though.” Rhys twisted his mouth to the side. “Once we sign a lease, we won’t be able to break it for a year. And we would have to line something up there.”
Was he considering it? What about his hockey career?
“I’d want you all to leave next week. The store is almost done, and I’d love to get some custom art on the walls and maybe some photos for the website. All paid for.” Graves’ gaze flicked between Thatcher and me.