“I do.” Gregor pushed the papers he had in his hand across the table to Rhys. “I know you’ve been talking with our scout and may have felt like our offer was on shaky ground, given your injury. After this weekend, we don’t feel you’ve sustained any lasting effects of the injuries last fall.”
Coach Aimes cut in. “We also want you to know that what happened to you was unacceptable. That type of behavior is horrific and won’t be tolerated by any college. Those players signed the end of their career with that move.”
Rhys dropped his gaze, not responding.
We’d all seen how hard that was on him. The potential death of his dreams. More than ever, I was glad I’d come with him this weekend. I was proud to support him.
“Anyway,” Coach Aimes continued. “Before you left, we wanted to present you with this formal offer. You’ve already been accepted to UofM. Our offer is for a full ride with our hockey team. There are contingencies, such as grade point average, staying out of trouble, things like that, which are all outlined in the letter. There’s also information about our team, what it means to be a Wolverine, and dorms. All the basics.”
Gregor glanced at Coach Aimes when Rhys read over the papers but remained silent. His lack of response was making the assistant coach nervous.
“Of course, you don’t have to accept now, but we wanted you to know we’d be honored to have you join our team. As one of the leading men’s hockey programs in the US, we can help you on the path to going pro if that’s what you want. We have an excellent track record and lots of connections. As long as you’re willing to put in the work, we can help make it happen. And the kind of talent you have? You’ll be able to go pro easily, as long as there are no long term injuries.”
Coach Aimes pulled at the collar of his shirt. “Usually, the parents come with the players, but your coach filled me in a little on your family situation. We also want you to know that books and dorm costs are covered in this scholarship. There’s also a stipend for food. We want you to be focused on hockey and school, so we’ve made an offer that you hopefully can’t refuse.”
Rhys used his hand not holding Astrid’s to flip through the pages. He took his time reading, letting the coaches sweat it out.
Hell. I was starting to sweat it out. This was a sweet deal, everything Rhys had ever wanted. All he’d talked about whenever the conversation had come up.
A full ride, his school of choice, and away from his fucking screwed up family. What was he doing? It was great he was reading the fine print, but he hadn’t said one word.
If he needed an alternative career route, he’d make one hell of a businessman. I wouldn’t tell him that though. At least not now. He’d see that as having too much of Stan inside him.
Another few minutes went by.
Then a few more.
The gruff laugh that escaped Coach Aimes was off kilter as he tried to grin. “Mr. Bennett, you’ve got us in a hell of a headlock here. What are you thinking? Do you have any questions for us that haven’t been answered this weekend?”
Rhys pushed the papers back a few inches as he squared his shoulders and lifted his gaze to theirs.
“For as long as I can remember, since I discovered hockey, I knew that was what I wanted to do with my life. As soon as I realized I could go to college doing what I loved and discovered UofM, this has been the only place I wanted to go. And going pro has always been my dream.” Rhys paused to take a breath.
Both coaches relaxed, and even my shoulders dropped some.
“But—” Rhys started.
And everyone stiffened.
Rhys brought Astrid’s hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles, shooting her a love filled look that was out of character for him, before moving his attention back to the two men. “Over the last year, I’ve learned that dreams don’t always stay the same. And sometimes, the dreams you’ve created for yourself are just fillers because you don’t know what will really make you happy. I’ve realized that blood doesn’t mean anything, and that found family is a much stronger bond. A bond that I prefer and crave.” Rhys’ gaze flicked to me for just a second, letting me know he included me in his found family.
Warmth burned in my chest.
Shit. I was going to tear up, right here in the coaches’ office. We’d all had shit families, and we had created something beautiful. Something I hope lasted forever. Whether we all stayed together as a romantic unit or not, I couldn’t imagine my life without all these guys and Astrid in it.
Astrid cast her gaze toward her lap. I wanted to tip her face up, to see if she was as moved as I was by his free declarations about all of us. But I didn’t. This wasn’t the time.
“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me so far.” Rhys drew in a deep breath. “The conversations with me, with my coach, the visit out here to see the facilities and play with the team. I’m truly grateful that I’ve been extended these opportunities. And that you’ve seen something in me. That’s a validation I’ve been looking for my entire life… I realize now, this isn't the dream I want for myself anymore. Thank you, but I will have to decline the offer.” He started to stand, but Coach Aimes threw his hand out to stop him.
“Hold on there, Mr. Bennett. Did something happen to make you reconsider our school? We assure you; we’ll take care of any issues yo—”
“No, sir.” Rhys resettled in his chair, leaning toward them. “When I started this weekend here, I was of every mind I’d accept if given an offer, and the entire trip has been great. Amazing even. I’ve just realized where my priorities are, and they’re not in Michigan.”
“There’s no need to make such a hasty decision,” Gregor hurried to get out. “The official acceptance deadline isn’t for awhile. Go home, talk it over with your…family. We’re here to answer any questions you have.”
I expected Rhys to assure them he wouldn’t reconsider, or maybe even to say that he would. But he just thanked them for their time again, stood and shook their hands, then with a hand to Astrid’s lower back, ushered her toward the door.
Following behind them, I glanced over my shoulder out of curiosity and turned back around. They both stared, dumbfounded, at Rhys’ back.