Rhys didn’t respond. He walked around to Astrid’s side and reached for her hand as soon as she was out of the car.
We entered the building at a different entrance, this one clearly for the administrative side of the sports programs. A few students lingered in the hall. Some called out, some were older and had zero interest in who we were.
It was kind of funny to see the vibe here versus DU. When it was time for me to go to college, I never even entertained out of state, definitely wouldn’t have had the means to do it.
For the most part, my college—and my field of study—was laid back, eccentric, and comprised of pretty cool people. We also didn’t have D1 sports.
This weekend showed me just how seriously this place took their favorite sports. Walking around with Rhys yesterday had been like I’d been part of a royal entourage. Flirty smiles, chin lifts and looks and acts of deference. I had seen this type of reaction to Rhys in the high school too when I’d happen to catch a glimpse of him there.
If I’d had that kind of attention so young I would have been an arrogant asshole. Good thing I’m more of a humble, moody bastard who feels all the things.
Rhys stopped at a door and knocked while Corey wrung his hands next to him, still worried we couldn’t go in.
Why did he care? He was an aid or something. It wasn’t like this was the backstage of the Golden Globes where everyone had security and every act was a lawsuit waiting to happen.
“Come in,” a man called from the other side of the door.
Without any preamble, Rhys pushed it open, tugging Astrid along with him. I followed, leaving a twitching Corey at the door. I glanced back to see if he was coming but the door shut right in his face. And he seemed okay with that.
The coach I’d seen on the ice yesterday stood and came from around his desk. He knew we’d knocked. I wasn’t quite sure why he waited until we’d come far enough into the office and shut the door to stand up, but whatever.
“Mr. Bennett, I hope you enjoyed the practice this morning.” He smoothed his hand down his cotton polo over his softening body. He was a stout man, but he was also in his fifties and losing his youthful body. The hard set of his jaw and dramatic slash of his gray eyebrows was actually very interesting. I’d have to sketch his likeness on the plane.
“Coach Aimes.” Rhys shook his hand with a straight but respectful face.
This entire trip I was constantly impressed with his professional, if distant, demeanor. I’d have to paint this side of him too. When we did all finally move in together, between Astrid and me, the walls would be filled floor to ceiling with all of us.
I’d thought this before, but I loved it.
Maybe I could convince Beck to write a few songs about us all.
Or Jonah to write our story.
I wasn’t sure what Rhys’ contribution would be, but we’d find something equally important and thoughtful.
“It was an unforgettable experience. I’ve been a fan of Michigan for as long as I’ve been into hockey.”
“That’s good to hear.” The coach cracked a smile, softening his features into someone who was almost approachable. “Several of the players stopped by after the practice to tell me just how highly they thought of you. Not only were they impressed with your work ethic, but they got a good feeling about your character. I hope you know I’m not blowing smoke up your ass when I tell you this doesn’t happen with every prospective player. Hell, it doesn’t even happen with some.” He seemed to realize we were standing in the middle of his office and coughed to clear his throat. “Here, sit down. Sit down. I was too excited and let my thoughts get ahead of me.”
The door to the office opened as we took seats around a table in the corner. This was where all the deals were made it seemed.
“Who are your friends?” The coach asked as the assistant coach stepped in with a handful of papers.
“This is my girlfriend, Astrid. And her other boyfriend, Thatcher.”
I blinked.
The ease of which Rhys just exposed our relationship elated and concerned me. Wasn’t he just the one who was worried how the world would accept our reverse harem life choices?
Astrid and the coaches were both right where I was, because there was a lot of blinking happening and no talking. I had to give it to Rhys though, there wasn’t a single feather out of place as he waited for the coaches to respond. He still very much had that calm respectful face on.
The assistant coach gave a little giggle that sounded ridiculous on the gigantic man. Then he took a seat on the opposite side of the table from Rhys. “Sorry, I’m late. Nice to see you again, Rhys.” He nodded to us. “Is this a serious relationship?”
“Yes, sir. It is.” Rhys dipped his chin in acknowledgement.
“Good. That’s great to hear. Our guys who are wifed up have much less drama than the guys who aren’t. A word of advice,” the assistant raised his eyebrows. “The last thing you need is drama. It will mess with your grades and your hockey goals.”
The head coach had finally recovered enough that he started nodding uncontrollably. “Yes. That’s good. Um. Gregor. Do you have the offer?”