Olivia's heart raced. "Then whoever left it came from the beach." It had to be from him.

Eleni gasped. "Of course! It's from Spiro! He lives just down the beach." She clasped her hands together, grinning. "My beautiful Spiro and Olivia together, right here on Patmos. Oh, the beautiful babies you'll have."

"Wait a minute. I'm not so sure it came from Spiro. And I don't want you getting your hopes up about me living here. I specialize in criminals, and I seriously doubt if Patmos has enough of those to keep me in business."

Eleni sat at the table with a huff. "We do have criminals. Last year there was a boy from Hora whose bicycle was stolen. Right in front of the monastery, too. It was shocking."

Olivia shook her head as she drizzled honey on her bread. "Not bad enough."

"Humph. Why do you need criminals? Can't you help normal crazy people? Patmos has plenty of those. There's a goat herder in Kambos who talks to his goats."

Olivia sipped her tea. "It's not unusual for people to talk to their animals."

"Ah, but in this case, his goats talk back. And the solid black goat speaks Turkish."

Olivia stifled a grin. "He's the worst case you've got to offer?"

Eleni tilted her head, considering. "Well, there's the old widower in Skala who was caught peeping in Maria Stephanopoulos's window. His son started taking him to the nude beach at Plaki once a week, so he's much better now."

Olivia nodded. "I'm afraid that Peeping Tom syndrome is contagious. I heard there's a widow woman in Grikos who uses a telescope to spy on a nearby goat herder."

Eleni scoffed. "I'm not a Peeping Tom! I'm just admiring Spiro. He's a work of art. It's like I'm going to the museum. And I've never seen him naked. That wouldn't be right, not when I want him to marry my granddaughter."

Olivia winced, then took a bite of bread. Maybe her grandmother had a point. Not about Spiro, but about her work with criminals. Her life could be so different if she played it safe and lived here.

Who was she kidding? She wouldn't last two months before boredom drove her absolutely bonkers. She thrived on the excitement that came with her work at the FBI. At least she had until her job had brought her into contact with one criminal in particular. The monster, Otis Crump. She didn't have to worry about him sending roses. That sick pervert preferred apples. Big red apples.

"Hmm." Eleni drummed her fingers on the table as she glared at the rose. "I don't like secrets. I want to know who this admirer is."

Olivia sighed. If dreams could come true, her secret admirer wouldn't be Spiro, Giorgios, or Dimitrios. He'd be the mysterious man who jogged along the beach in the middle of the night. Could he have left the rose?

Her heartbeat raced at the thought. One way or another, she'd find out tonight.


That's not what you usually wear to go jogging," Carlos commented as Robby strode across the family room.

Robby grunted and headed into the kitchen. He'd already had one bottle of blood when he'd first wakened, so he wasn't really hungry. This was just a precaution in case he actually met the Greek goddess. Sometimes good old-fashioned lust managed to trigger his lust for blood, and he didn't want his fangs popping out and scaring her.

He poured half a glass and warmed it up in the microwave.

Carlos entered the kitchen. "Your hair's damp. You took a shower before jogging?"

He wasn't going to jog tonight. He didn't want to arrive at her house all sweaty, especially since a Vamp's sweat tended to be a wee bit pinkish in color, just like their tears. It came from a steady diet of blood, he supposed. "I'm taking a walk."

"Ah. A midnight stroll. Sounds wonderful." Carlos regarded him with a smirk. "I think I'll join you."


"I like to walk on the beach."

"Piss off."

Carlos laughed. "I know you're hoping to see her."

"I know ye know." Robby removed his half glass of blood from the microwave and downed it.

"I also know that a red rose is missing from the garden."

Robby arched a brow. "Ye're keeping inventory on all the flowers?"

Carlos chuckled. "I had my eye on that rose. I was planning to give it to someone, and you beat me to it."

Robby wondered briefly what Carlos was up to, but refrained from asking. Toni claimed he was g*y, but Ian disagreed. When they were here on the island, Robby had heard them argue over the matter for ten minutes, then rush off to their bedroom to make up. He'd gone jogging for two hours, and when he returned, they were still making up.

He groaned inwardly. His Vamp friends, Ian, Jean-Luc, and Jack, were deliriously happy with their mortal women, but he doubted he could ever experience such happiness. First, there was the problem of finding a woman who could actually love a creature of the night.

Then there was the matter of trust. How would he know what she was doing during the day? He couldn't bear another betrayal from a woman he loved. What if she tired of him and decided to stake him while he was in his death-sleep?

And then there was the last problem, the one that bothered him the most. Loving a Vamp was a death sentence. He didn't know how his friends could even stomach the thought that one day they would have to literally kill their wives in order to transform them. What kind of love was that?

So what the hell was he doing? He set his empty glass in the sink. "This was a bad idea."

"Dude, don't chicken out now."

He shot Carlos an annoyed look. "'Tis no' fear that's giving me pause. She's an innocent mortal. She deserves better than me."

"Right, because you're a disgusting, slobbering beast who'll rip her throat out and toss her dead body out to sea."

Robby stiffened. "Are ye asking for a bloody nose? I wouldna harm her."

"Exactly. Go see her, muchacho."

Robby glanced down at his clothes. It had taken him fifteen minutes to decide what to wear. He'd finally chosen some worn jeans, a dark green T-shirt, and a navy hoodie lined with the green and blue MacKay tartan. His hair was tied back with a leather strip. "I doona look too casual?"

"You look fine. Go get her, tiger."

Robby snorted. Strange words from a were-panther. He strode from the house before he could change his mind. Rather than descend the stone steps, he simply jumped off the edge of the rocky bluff and landed neatly on the pebbly beach below. Even in the dim light of the three-quarter moon, he could spot the rock called Petra about half a mile to the north. He teleported there, then walked around it to the beach at Grikos.

What was he going to say? He doubted she'd want to hear about his favorite topic - which swords were best suited for different situations. Bugger. He was woefully out of practice when it came to talking to women.

Olivia debated what to wear for fifteen minutes even though her choices were severely limited to the few items she'd packed. She finally opted for a pair of jeans and a soft pullover sweater. Then she trapped her unruly hair in a claw clip on the back of her head.

Her grandmother was sound asleep when she made herself comfortable in the courtyard. She lit a trio of candles on the table beneath the grape arbor. On a chair, she set an old cricket bat Yia Yia used to beat rugs.

She hoped she wouldn't need it to defend herself, but her work at the Bureau had taught her that looks could be deceiving. She'd been surprised the first time she met Otis Crump by how harmless and ordinary he appeared. Underneath the pleasant exterior lurked a monster who had raped, tortured, and murdered thirteen women.

She shoved him out of her thoughts. This was her time to recover and heal. He had been an assignment, nothing more, and she was done with it. Done with him.

She could only pray that he was done with her.

She strode back into the house to make a cup of hot tea. As she exited the kitchen, she grabbed the rose and took it with her. Back in the courtyard, she waited. And waited. She finished her tea and left the cup on the table.

Back at the wall, she smoothed her fingers over the velvet rose petals. The thorns had been pinched off the stem, so her secret admirer appeared to be considerate. She hoped he was the mysterious jogger. But where was he?

Maybe she was too early. Or maybe he had left the island and this rose was his way of saying good-bye. After all, the last week of November was way past the tourist season. Or maybe she'd imagined him. After dealing with the ultimate dregs of humanity in the person of Otis Crump, her subconscious could be trying to compensate by manufacturing a handsome, honorable hero.